I send this message to Nexogen : Moderator should moderated forum not saying stupid things to insult users . And also you Moderator im French . You suposed to know this , because my name is FRENCHYS So dont ****ing juge me on my grammar . I think this message is truth .... so dont ****ing ban me for telling you the truth . I send him this because of this : Is that suposed to be Moderator ? DAMM! Forge Hub Chosse your moderator with logic .....dont give him the right to be a moderator just because its one of your friends . Do something please ..... Anyway with your politic i will be ban .
These complaining threads aren't allowed, but it wouldn't hurt for some of these guys to act a little bit more classy around here. At least whole they're acting in an official capacity. Other than that, inb4lock.
Welcome to the world of internet forums. Theres no time limit to your posts, and yeah it's understandable your french but it doesn't exclude you from having good grammar. Though he is in the wrong because a moderator shouldn't be doing that kind of thing anyway.
I'd like to point out that just because your name is "Frenchys" does not mean anything. The same can be said about my username. My online handle I use is "COMMANDERMATT1" I use it simply as a name, that does not mean I'm some high ranking official in an army. So, just because your name is "Frenchys" does not automatically mean you are French. I also like to point out, that even though you have your city/country listed on your profile it is not an accurate way for us tell that you speak French. Now, what the Moderator said in question is unprofessional but, it is best to avoid direct conflict and bring it up with an Admin, or the Moderator in question. That is all I have to say.
Threads bashing users, staff or non-staff are simply not allowed. If you have any issues with a staff member contact that person or a person of higher rank. Locked.