I played a 1v1 against Adrenaline the other day. And didnt do bad, if you consider losing 4-15 against a Pro (which I've been away from Xbox for MONTHS) good... I racked up a killer no-scope on him, a first strike, and just a few DMR headshots on him. And he messaged me after the game, Quote, "good game dude " I felt on top of the world that I didnt spaz or choke anywere in the game. Which I usually do. He was a very intense player with sharp reflexes that only an experienced player could have. And he seemed like the Real Deal. He didnt play with a mic. If I had a hard-drive This would have been up on youtube in no time. But sadly I didnt His GT was: sL AdreNaline Let me know what your opinion was on this guy. Thanks...
A pro? Looking at his stats he looks nothing more than just above average. 0.82 in MLG, yeah that guy definitely isn't that great.
If he's a pro, somebody else uses his account most of the time. Those stats are in the meaty middle of the bell curve.
Spoiler I just couldn't resist ... Could you please enlighten me? What is so special about playing against a pro? Sure, it may be some kind of a challenge to some, but I would never even bother to create a thread because I played against someone ...
I can't believe you made a thread about this. With a 1.33 KDR, I'd expect him to be nothing more than the average player.
This thread is full of super noobs. No your guy is not "legit" I can't believe you would even make a thread for this. But hey, I just hand a great cup of coffee. That's all that matters right now.