well im back here again with a different map called Redemption loadout camera shotgun spawnred team spawn (for now)blue team spawn (for now) GL spawns down bottom midthe middle building with two DMRsepicness of red baseepicness of blue basewell i know there are a few spots on the map that could use some work like the big grassy areas, and the cliff balconies, and i was working on it this morning and have some more pics for you guys and i will get those uploaded later but for now this is all i can give you guys. see ya
Looks great, loving the structures, but the grassy areas near the bases are a tad too open, perhaps add some rocks there for cover.
like i said its a work in progress, and i got a new structure over by blue just need to get the pics of it then post em
Looks really nice, I especially like the middle structure. I cant wait to see whats planned for the rest of the map, I'm guessing this is a infantry only map?
Infantry only map? i dont know what that means but if you want to see the rest of the map i will get on live and show you what i have in store for it.
Sorry I should of went into more detail and asked if you plan to add vehicles to the map as well? That sounds nice I'd be up for that tonight id love to see where your going with the design. I honestly love your use of banks on this, they go very well with 2x4 pieces and your forging style seems similiar to mine in alot of ways and Im glad to see that . The GT: SilentRaine, ill try to get on a little earlier tonight hopefully around 8 p.m. or so, what time do you normally get online yourself? You always seem to have some interesting ideas for projects so I cant wait to see what you have in store.
im actually gonna be online around that time and i will invite you . i have actually thought about putting vehicles on the map and until its ready for testing im not going to have any weapons or vehicles on the map. i just need to get the main layout done.
The picture in your sig looks a little like the back of Warhorse NEHalo. Looks very interesting still, I like it.
lol i guess, thanks. how does the rest of the map look from what is on it on at the current moment. il be testing the map later tonight.