ok so i just deleted siege the castle off of my file share so i can work on it since i just got feedback from the testers guild. now ive been looking for a glitch like this for awile now and i think i just got it. if you check out the link (which im about to give you) youll see that you can still download it and even see it in the first place. if you look in my file share its not there. so i think to keep a map for download, then you just have to have a link to the map in the first place. note though that i deleted the map at 7 pm or around that time so i havnt had a full day yet (12 pm right now) heres the link to my map off my fileshare: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details
In the last thread I already told you about the glitch, but apparently it still works which I did not know. Thanks, I'll try to figure out how it still works then.
Yeah I know but when I deleted my map I wanted to see what would happen. I think it's if you have a link to the map, then you can still go to it with no problem . If anyone wants to test out the theory then you guys can post a link to one of your old maps, then delete the map from your file share and see if the glitch woks. This thread is about the glitch so I'm fine with it
I did something similar, but it turns out that someone else had a copy of my map on their share or something and that is why it remains at the URL.
idk. i mean like if you guys wanna, you can post a link to a map on this thread off your fileshare, then delete the map off your fileshare and see what happens.
Bungie and 343 have no (conclusive) way to detect inbound links from other sites, so those shouldn't have any effect. The number of broken file links I've seen supports this. It has to be something about the file. In all likelihood, someone rehosted it on their File Share without telling you; unless you find the Share itself, there's no way for you to know for sure.
ohh i know who it is. yeah you guys are right. i had my friend upload it to his fileshare because i didnt have time to go on my xbox. i feel soo stupid right now