Leviathan V2 is a symmetrical map. I have worked on this for well over 7 months. I have tried to uniquely blend forgewolrd's pieces into a great aesthetic map with solid game play. Through much trial and error, this is what I have come up with. Please community, tell me what you think. Give suggestions and provide feedback. I need to play test this, and I most definitely want to test this with you! Message if you have the numbers to do so. The testers guild is always so swamped, and I don't want to take the chance of this sitting in there and being forgotten. Even if you hate the map, I believe some of the ideas I have come up with in here can be used in others community maps. I have drawn my inspiration from Halo 3, Reach, and all of your maps, so it only seems proper and fitting that I get this out there and ask your assistance in completing it. Sincerely, PeanutPutter Game types currently supported: Slayer, CTF, Oddball, Neutral Bomb Weapons & Health Packs - 10 x DMR - 2 spare clips : 8 @ 30 sec; 2 @ 20 sec - 2 x Magnum - 2 spare clips : 30 sec - 2 x Sniper - 1 spare clip : 180 sec - 1 x Rocket Launcher - 1 spare clip : 180 sec - 1 x Grenade Launcher - 4 spare clips : 120 sec - 2 x Shotgun - no spare clips : 120 sec - 10 x Frag Grenades : 8 @ 30 sec; 2 @ 20 sec - 2 x Needle Rifle - 1 spare clip : 45 sec - 2 x Needler - 2 spare clips : 60 sec - 2 x Plasma Pistol : 45 sec - 2 x Plasma Rifle : 30 sec - 6 x Sticky Grenade : 30 sec - 3 x Health Packs : 2 @ 30 sec; 1 @ 45 sec Overview Front Entrance Blue Base Middle Health Pack/Objective Spawns Blue Ribs Grenade Launcher Spawn View From Grenade Launcher Spawn Red Drop Down (Below Red Tower) Inside Bottom Blue Base Blue Side From Outside Grenade Launcher Spawn Shotgun Spawn (Top Blue Tower) Red Sniper Spawn Inside Red Base Inside Red Base/Red Lift to Objective Inside Blue Tower Blue Arch Red Corner View From Red Corner Into Red Base View From Red Corner Towards Rockets Rocket Spawn View From Rocket Spawn Towards Red Tower & Arch Center Shot Above Rocket Spawn
No thumbnail? U insane???. The map looks terrific. I'd add one if i were you. The detail is outstanding. And the layout is well structured and its pretty fit for MLG. Maybe you can change that?
Thank you Security; I hope you will download and enjoy. I agree, I think this could be fitting for MLG as well, but it will need some adjustments I'm sure before it is worthy. Suggestions?
Interesting. Im downloading it now and when finals are over i'll run around in it. You've got a lot of pieces here. Hows the framerate?
There are a few spots where smooth frame rate is lessened. It is noticeable, but not terrible; I've seen what terrible looks like designing this map. Looking out of sniper spawn, coming out of bottom front of bases, looking towards middle from gl spawn, and from some of the permiter rock pieces. I refuse to believe this cannot be fixed . Optimistic or not, there has got to be a way to eliminate it completely while maintaining the essence of this map. I will continue to try to improve this. I would like to hear community feedback on any possible solutions. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I just walked through it again...some of the areas i mentioned, the best term i could think of is minimal. Its mostly just piece flicker, ie. the silver outline of brace larges positioned horizontally. I think when people play this they will have a better understanding what im talking about. I cannot in good conscious tell you its perfect. It would be a lie, but i was soooooo happy to minimize it as much as possible.
I find that a decent way to test framerate issues are to grab a sniper rifle shoot it and walk thru the smoke or get a bunch of bodies and see wat happens. flickering is a relatively easy fix. u just need to tweak where a piece lies without a rotation snap. mrgreenwithagun has a blog up that i was looking at in reference to coliseum walls where when u place 2 next to each other on their side and reload the map theyre not quite lined up right. the same thing happens to smaller pieces but is less noticeable which could be the cause of the flickering. hes got a lot of rlly good articles on his blog. im sure u can fix any actual frame rate issues by substituting certain pieces here and there. i may get a chance to look at the map tonight so i'll update u if i do
I think you would have to see it to understand. It seems to be the piece itself and how far away from it you see it. Anytime you or anyone else would like to mess around/work on this my gt is the same as on fh. Again thank you let me know what you find.
Pretty Damn good. I really like the use of the Stunt ramps and the Dishes. It does look a bit cluttered overall, and you could use a little more variety with the rocks.
Interesting comment about the rocks splatter. Not sure how to respond to that. I hope your not just critiquing the overview pic. I really hate the way it looks. In game, it really doesn't look like that. The rocks were simply used to create a perimeter (I originally had colliseum walls up, but I thought it looked awful). As for being cluttered, would you please elaborate some? Which area in particular? I'm going to go walk around in it and check out your suggestion for variety. Thanks for the comment. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I'm going to upload some more pics in hopes of giving an even better impression of the map. WIP [br][/br]Edited by merge: Posted
I'm not sure I like the bowls used as a vertical structure. I think the map would be better if there was less vertical structures on the top of the map. I really like the rocks you used in the map, I don't see that enough anymore. I also really like the water in the map, it gives it good visual appeal. Great Map!
Thanks cubs. Addressing your question involving the tall structures, the towers were intended to break LOS; especially if jet packs are used. Also, i love tall structures for bank grenades. Its nice to have targets to chuck from cross map if a teammate makes a call out. I'm not sure about what you mean by bowls...?
Just fyi, framerate lag is caused by the system having to render too much at once. That's why it drops at certain spots. Either limit the number of items you can see from those spots, or remove glass, unneeded aesthetics, things that won't affect gameplay or can be replaced by something simpler. The map is great though. I love how you used the dishes.
Alright cubs I'm in the process of deleting the towers. It seems to clear up frame rate...I'll try to replace it with something simpler
You should raise the map out of the water because that's causing most of the lag but overall the map is good make a little adjustments and it could be MLG
ugh....I sure hope not Josh. I'm getting pretty close to finishing v3. I have eliminated both towers and created smaller structures in their place. I have removed both pairs of double inclines underneath each bridges. Tweaked the bases (removed stunt ramp, and used all brace larges to enclose it.) Finally, across the whole map I am ensuring that every piece has enough "breathing room" (addressing the cluttering issue), and so far all of the above has eliminated a large percentage of lag. If everything else fails, I'll take your advice Josh. That will be a lot of work, and I would like to exhaust all other avenues before taking on a lengthy and uncertain overhaul. Thank you for your post.
So after playing in the previous version most of wat i would suggest is wat uve already been told in the thread. Clear up the clutter, fix some interlocking pieces, remove pieces to help with framerate,etc. I will say that i think u need to make some of the weapon placements a little more obvious and every precision weapon doesnt need a nade next to it tho it is a pretty big map and i can understand y its set up that way. I didnt look too much in depth at the spawns but they seemed ok. I didnt notice any spawn zones either so i cant comment on that. Overall its a very cool map, just gotta clear out some areas, make weapons more noticeable, and make sure spawning is good. One last thought, is it set up for most objective games? Stockpile is great because it helps players learn key areas in a map. Good work.
This looks amazing man! I'm downloading it right now. Maybe i can get some people and do some matches and i will let you know what i think about gameplay wise.
Though I haven't even looked at it on in-game, I know from what I've just read and what I'm seeing that it's no MLG map... (Able to get into the actual circuit, if that's what you're talking about.) Even the slightest screen lag / frame rate is a big no no for MLG. I also personally think some of your over-lapping pieces don't look so hot, but since I haven't checked in-game I'm not sure if there's really a solution to that. And seeing that you've worked on it for so long, I'm hoping if there were any solutions to it that you would've found it. However, I do like the use of the dishes on the ground; it even took me a moment to realize what they were from the screen shots. Very creative. I'll have to wait until I see it for real to give more feedback, but from the pictures I'd say it looks decent.