1. I can help you with Jump pad .... I know how to make different one . 2. You're starting to forge like all theese guys . Anyway i like it .
Jump pads do nothing if you just walk over them but act like a man cannon if you jump while standing on them. There's an explanation and video guide here. Ask erupt about quake weapons. He seems to be obsessed with that game.
The map looks pretty nice. Other than the lack of color, I'm liking the quake theme and the loads of height variations. Also, are the shield door boxes, teleporters? If so, do something better, more creative with them. They just look boring.
lulwut? But um, I guess I could try. Mostly the quake weapons are the same as Halo weapons. Grenade Launcher to Grenade Launcher, Rocket Launcher to Rocket Launcher, Shotgun to Shotgun and so forth. The only weapon (as far as I know) on Aerowalk that doesn't have a directly corresponding weapon in Halo is the Railgun, which is mostly the Sniper Rifle of Quake. In Quake, the jumppads shoot you up automatically, they are not manual. Also, you're gonna wanna change the tele receiver on the railing. I know that's how it is in the real map, but it's more of a tactical jump across the map from what I can tell. I've never actually played the map, only reason I know anything about it is because I attempted remaking it once. lol. Anyways, good luck, hope I helped.
@Frechys: thanks, I'll invite you sometime and maybe you can give me some help with the weapons. @Pyro: Thanks for the link, though I guess it's not what I'm looking for, haha. Thanks, I'm trying to put some color into it, but everything I seem to put in it just looks weird. Yep, they're teleporters. I have an idea of what to change those too... Thanks for the explanation. I think I'm just going to put down my own weapon layout because I have no idea where or what most of the weapons are, haha.
I dont like the use of the coliseum wall flooring in the first two pics. I suggest changing that. Other than that though I believe this looks good and is coming along nicely!
I made the map look a cleaner than it previously did and changed up the weapons, that's all. I guess I should use "updated" instead...
Damn, just discovered this map today while browsing the internet and was gonna remake it... Guess I'm a bit late on that. Nice choice of map.
An amazing map. This is what every custom map designer should strive for. Easily the most popular custom Quake map. Though I would like to play on Aerowalk on Halo, I wish you would have taken inspiration, instead of a flat out remake. A great example of a solid Aerowalk inspired map is Downrushl by Ponytar. He created it on H1 and ApK remade it for Reach. Hektik seems to be inspired by Aero as well. Why do people insist on criticizing object use? Dyb...
Maybe because some people would like to play on a remake before taking steps to designing something of the same vein? Baby steps man, baby steps. After finding out that Auburn abandoned this, I went ahead and burnt the midnight oil to crank out a remake of this. Perhaps some time down the road I'll make something original inspired off it, but for now I'm content with playing the remake.