Interchange is the only one I've played that might be considered flat and that still has quite a bit of height variation. I stick with Ground War and occasionally demolition so there are some maps I have barely played. It seems to have significantly more height variation than previous games though. I just wish they made the maps larger though. That really kills multiplayer for me.
This game has single handedly removed me from Halo for the past month straight. No other game has done this to me. I like the multiplayer, except for the campers. I wish I could play in a playlist that booted camping.
Incase anyone hasn't heard of it yet: It'd be great to see some new maps. The game is in desperate need of maps that play well.
First I get an extra 3 months to my Elite subscription because they goofed and now I know I get DLC first AND for free. Awesome.
theyre the greatest maps ever compared to black ops. now those were some of the shittiest shitty shits ever.
Afghan, Derail, Estate, Favela, Invasion, Karachi, Quarry, Rundown, Scrapyard, Skidrow, Sub Base, Terminal an Underpass were great (or at the very least good) maps. Wasteland and Highrise were just O.K, and Rust was shitty.
Rundown was by far my least favorite map. Rust was just tiny, but fun in certain situations. Everything else I liked. This is one case where I wouldn't mind if DLC consisted entirely of old maps.
Estate and Karachi were by far the best maps for domination. I feel like all the launch maps are just too small.
Terminal and Skidrow might be my all time favorite Call of Duty maps. EDIT: forgot about Favela, i felt like the ****ing predator on that map. So goddamn awesome. CoD4 had fantastic maps too though, Bog was the ****, and so was that one that had like, the dried out river with houses on one side and a barn on the other. forgot the name... didnt play that game enough. MW3's maps aren't all that bad, its just none of them stand out, and remind me of strange versions of the good maps from previous games. Fallen, Seatown, and the train station one are a lot of fun.
I loved bog. I liked having something at night, and everything else about it was just perfect. Overgrown I think is the dried out river one you're thinking of. I'm not sure if I liked that more in MW1 or MW2. Edit: ASK BT TO INVITE YOU TO THE FORGE HUB CLAN.
Amen to that. That map was good with any weapon, from Snipers to SMG's and all of the Assault rifles in between.