Totally bought this the other day... I've never played WoW before, and I'm rather enjoying TOR. It might be because I'm not a huge mmorpg fan, and I just really like Star Wars, but yeah... It's very enjoyable. Just wondering if anyone else has this?
I was debating to grab it at launch, and secure myself a really awesome name; or to wait until everyone decided that they we're going back to WoW and thus staying to play it. I guess since I don't have it yet, I'm waiting. How good is it?
It's actually really good, but quite poor at the same time. Not playing MMORPG's before, I thought the graphics were a complete let down, but then again, I compare them against WoW and they're actually really good, if not a lot better. The storyline's I've gone through so far are just Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior (just being a standard Jedi for both sides) and they've been quite eventful. I do enjoy the Sith Warrior one quite a bit more as it seems a lot more realistic to what Sith's probably would do. If you like Star Wars I'd recommend you get it. That's the only reason I've got it and I love it so far
I'm thinking of picking this up, did you get it on a CD(in which case I'm assuming you need to have it in the driver to launch, right?) or as a digital download? Do you NEED to have origin to run it? I'd rather not have to deal with a new client tbh
Is this comparable to WoW in terms of gameplay? Because I hate WoW, but I have loved Star Wars since I can remember.
I got mine as a digital download through Origin. I don't know if it can work independantly or not, but the launcher is entirely seperate and it doesn't log me into Origin when I launch the game. It does show up in my installed Origin games though when I do log in. I never played WoW. It never really intrigued me or appealed to me in any way. MMORPGs have never been my thing at all so it's a whole new experience. But, that said... I'm sorta addicted to this game. I've played it for like 12 hours today!! I only got it because I love Star Wars. It's just fun being a Sith and playing with other people being other Sith-type things
Stevo! I haz the game, and might I say, I can not get away! I've never played WoW either, but all you need to know is, it is a lot like Star Wars Galaxies, well it basicly is SWG but updated. You can chose 8 different Characters: Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular, Smuggler, and Trooper (All of these are Republic) Then you have the Empire..... Sith Warrior, Sith Inquisitor, Bounty Hunter, and Imperial Agent. To help you chose if you want to get the game but wanna know what you are gonna do first, here you go! If you ask me, I think we should make a guild for this game! ^_^
I'm in a Guild on this weird named server I'm on. I'm level 33 as Sith Warrior, Level 10 as Sith Inquisitor and Level 16 as Jedi Knight Needless to say, I've played the **** out of this game since I got it. I've racked up nearly 4 days solid gametime on my Lv.33
Im a level 29 BH, 18 trooper, 11 warrior, 13 Knight, 12 Consular, 14 Inqis, 10 Agent, and 12 Smuggler