MLG Bionic Halo Reach Forged Map : Bionic - YouTube Bionic is a symetrical map fitted most gametypes. Power weapons are Rockets, and two Snipers. There is one armor ability on Bionic and it is Evade. There are two levels to the map with overlaying balconies on each base. The map contains two secret jumps which are placed above each crate at blue and red spawn ( used for quick grab of sniper ). Map plays well with all gametypes it includes. Bionic has been tested for two weeks straight and is now complete. BIONIC UPDATE IS HERE! THESE PICTURES SHOW THE MAJOR CHANGES TO THE MAP. AND HERE ARE THE NORMAL PICTURES ( WHICH ARENT 100% CORRECT DUE TO COLORING )
This is actually one of the cleanest-forged maps I've seen, and for that I commend you greatly. Gameplay looks and feels smooth and solid. My only gripes with the map would be the name (which I don't find to fit the map) and the lack of cover in a few of the rooms. It feels like I wont have cover if I'm transitioning off of the spawn room, which will make it easy to kill me if you're on the top of the map. I don't know if you designed it that way on purpose or if it was overlooked. I think a narrow floor-ceiling column/pillar would be sufficient enough to break up LoS just a bit. Just to give players something to strafe around, you know?
Thanks for the compliment on the cleanest, and for the cover, we are looking into the " pillar " idea that you suggested, but are not sure if possible due to low amount of pieces available.
Extremely SICK symetrical design with both bases and balconys. I love to see cool symetrical designs in competitive maps like this. Looks perfect for MLG gameplay and just overall a great map. The only thing I can say is try to label different areas better with different colors because I did seem lost at times watching your video.
Very nice. I like all of what I see. Maybe even a bit too clean. You could add some decorative touch if you still have budget. I like sniper spawn . Probably gunna give this a download and then walk around in it. I'll get back to you with more. Keep up the good work fellow forger
I really enjoy the layout as well, and the lack of color was a risky choice by me and the other creator Xyrc. We were trying to embrace the grey of the map, but we will definitively reconsider the coloring so people can dispute the sides and certain spots of the map. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Thanks for your input and i will look into giving the map some decorative touches, and please do get back to me after youve had a walk/play through as i would really how to see what you felt about the layout and such.
Hi this is Xyrc, the co-creator of this map. Cavitated and I worked very hard on this map. Thank you all for the great comments. We like to take your criticism constructively and improve our map. This map has seen a lot of changes since we first started and it was all for the best. Thank you everyone who has given us the ideas for our map.
DAT VIDEO. 2:04, DAT NADE SPAM. This is probably the best map post I've seen from a rookie, ever. The map looks great, the way you used the tac jumps was ingenious, and the weapon layout was perfect. Dled.
That grenade spam was pretty crazy, felt like an eathquake. On this website im a rookie, but ive created many other maps, Bionic just being the crown jewel. I feel pretty strongly about the weapon positions as well, they did go through a couple of position but in the end they are where they are now, and thanks for the download. If you ever want someone to play with on it, Friend " Cavitated " or " Xyrc " ( the other creator ) we love to play on the map.
This map looks fantastic! I gotta agree with everyone else, for a first post this is impressive! The one complaint I have is the lack of cover at Rocket Spawn, I understand for gameplay purposes you want players to have to fight to get power weapons; however, having absolutely NO cover seems a bit too much...other than that this map looks superb and will definitely get a DL from me!
Wow ..... amazing map that not using only large braces, 2x2 blanks and other retarded stuff .... I like the layout ... simple and multilevel map . I'm downloading this and have a look at it in the game ...... Question : MLG map ?
If the rockets aren't being pushed too much, it could be 1 of 3 things: 1. You're playing with people who have no clue about the map 2. The lack of cover has made people decide that it's not worth it 3. The snipers can be equally effective as the rockets. So, basically, my guess is that the snipers and lack of cover go together and create a no man's land near the rockets. If I was playing in that situation, I'd prioritize taking out the enemy sniper, then rushing the rockets will be easier. It'd be better for gameplay, IMO.
Imagine the map countdown, pretty much the same sictuation. Rockets can be seen from from multiple levels, there's side paths leading to the rockets, and if not played by MLG players, they are not pushed very much. ( all the reverences to countdown are the mlg variant of countdown. ) But as i said before, i will look into it and see what could possibly be done. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I played MLG for quite awhile, and have made maps for MLG specifically in the past. This map does have all the qualities for an MLG map, ( drop spawns, symmetrical bases, MLG weapons, and teams spawn on their side ) but it can play much more ( infection, headhunter, etc... ) So in short, yes, its MLG made, but not MLG restricted. Hope i answered your question! [br][/br]Edited by merge: POSSIBLE UPDATE
POSSIBLE UPDATE [/QUOTE] I think we should maybe consider adding in that cover or at least some sort of cover for rockets. Some of these people have complained about rockets being to risky. They are under used in gameplay. Maybe with thos brace larges people might actually go for them. They don't look that bad.
I think we should maybe consider adding in that cover or at least some sort of cover for rockets. Some of these people have complained about rockets being to risky. They are under used in gameplay. Maybe with thos brace larges people might actually go for them. They don't look that bad.[/QUOTE] same thought here, I ran around in a custom game with them there and many strategical thoughts came rushing through my head, and maybe if we do the update we could also do the colors and maybe a few other tweaks. So if anybody could post your inputs about the possibe update, PLEASE DO!
I played this for a 6 player FFA two nights ago, it seems that it was more of a stand off from the initial spawn, I don't know if the map is only for Team Slayer but I'm sure that needs to be fixed, I like Xyrc's idea for an update.
1. The update is my idea. 2. yes, it supports many gametypes. 3. What exactly do you mean by a stand off? ( what was the problem )