Cornerstone by ThrowinDemBows, Shad0w Viper, and chrstphrbrnnn Cornerstone is a 4v4 symmetrical map heavily focused on objective games. Wait, WHAT!?!?!? 4v.......4? 4.............V.............4?!?!? FOUR!!!!??!??!!? VEEEEEE?!?!??!? FOURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!?!%#$@#@!?! Yes, ThrowinSomeBows has made a 4v4. You heard it right. It's true facts. Get used to it. Even while forging this map and making a conscious effort to make a smaller map, It just didn't turn out well at first. I brought SHAD0W VIPER in to give me his opinion on my first build, but he thought it was a 6v6 at best. After showing him a few smaller versions, he and chrstphrbrnnn began to show some interest. When they jumped on board, the project really took off. Although it was a constant tug-of-war between us, they both did so much for the design of this map and it wouldn't be anywhere near the quality it is now. Weapon List 1x Rockets 1 spare clip/180 sec 1x Sniper Rifle 1/120 1x Energy Sword 150 1x Overshield 180 4x DMR 1/15 2x Needle Rifle 2/15 2x Needler 2/60 2x Plasma Pistol 60 2x Plasma Grenades 45 2x Frag Grenades 45 3x Health Stations 30 The map has been reduced to where FR drops are almost non-existant. The only area where there are confirmed FR drops is at top orange looking down at the lift, but it isn't triggered unless it's highly stressed. (i.e. inclement,camo, etc.) Even then the drops don't hinder gameplay, but we're still working to completely eliminate all FR drops nevertheless. Vid Spoiler [bungievid]25619632[/bungievid] Pics Spoiler Loadout Camera Orange, Sniper Spawn Bottom Orange/Lift Front View Orange Bottom Green/ Sword Spawn Side of Orange Bottom Red Blue Base
I love when you can't tell what a piece is, to me it means the creator has a creative mind, like for the example the tetris block shape in the center dividing the two inclines. Extremely clean in my eyes and a instant download.
I think I recall playing on this map, but lagged out in the middle of the game. I had the sniper and rockets, so I guess I got kicked for being a power weapon *****, lol. I'm about 90% sure I played this. Anyways, gameplay was pretty solid- no major complaints. Spawning was great, too. Have you tried 2v2 on this? I can't quite remember how big the layout was, but judging from the pics it looks like it could handle a 2v2 quite well. Great work, guys.
What is there to say, really? It's an expertly forged map as always. Like Shikarix said, it's awesome whenever you can't tell what pieces are. The railings alone have great detail. This should be a download for everybody. Great job. 9/10
Great maps looks like a very clean and solid forged maps love the aesthetics and the LoS I will give it a DL when I get a chance great map
I'd never imagined you would make a 4v4. But it turned out pretty slendid. I'll DL later, but good job!
I can tell what the piece is, because I've tried using it in a similar way. I won't spoil it, so if you can't find out, the only way is to download and see for yourself, but this map is so good you should have downloaded it before even getting to the comments. But, really, a 4v4? WTF?
Recipe: Great Map Ingredients: Competetive 4v4 Bows Instructions: Mix ingredients and just add Shadow and Chris Let sit as the feature bakes to perfection
Are the pieces everyone's talking about the large walkways in the first picture? I thought those were rather obvious. I downloaded the map, and I'll check it out later. However, since everyone else likes to judge maps only by screenshots, I figure I'll give it a try; the map looks generic, and doesn't stand out to me at all. Gameplay is probably decent. I'll come back with real feedback later.
^Lol, serious post is serious. Lighten up broski. Reach's entire forge pallet is generic. Hard to make the same gray pieces look fresh a year later. Screw pics, I think the looks of the layout seem pretty solid. Let alone, Shadow and chris jumping in. I know them well and I know they would bring nothing but win to the table. The fact that bows is making something besides a BTB map is a "Fresh" factor in this map alone. I DLd this earlier and I will check it out in a second and "come back with real feedback later"
Wow thats a good forger combination ! Reminds me Construct/Countdown/Colossus ........ With the pictures i wet my pants .... wow damm beautiful map , good Aestetic(WRONG SPELL ?) and i would like to play a game on it ! I give you 9.9/10 because anything can't be perfect .
Really? Because I tend to think 95% of Reach maps look generic as hell and the main reason I wanted to come on to this project is because it was actually distinguishable from other maps, both in geometry and usage of pieces. Yes, Bows is uber-afraid of framerate and he cut some things that I loved and further separated this from other maps. However, with its solid gameplay even after the first playtest, I can agree with bows that a more generic looking map is certainly better than an unplayable, laggy mess.
Well, I have no doubts that the gameplay is solid, but after checking the map out in forge, it's rather clear that it brings nothing new to the table. The layout reminds me of Countdown, and basically feels like any other symmetrical 4v4 map out there. The map also happens to look just like any other symmetrical map out there. I generally dislike symmetrical 4v4s, because they all feel the same to me, and this is certainly no exception. If it plays well (which I'm sure it does), then I suppose some people will enjoy the map, but it still stands out to me in absolutely no way.
I think you meant to make it into the shape of a number and name it after a similar looking letter. (trolololololol). Since, if you look at "S" from above, it's actually a "2". He just seems bitter, must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. As for that, though, who actually stops to look at a map when you're playing? I like Forge maps because it's easier to see the red and blue of the spartans. The colors just blend on certain maps, for me. Just red on Reflection and blue on Zealot. And I've played on "S". It's not all that great, either. Albeit is unique, just not that fun. Which is fine, because everyone has their own opinions. But you shouldn't come in here and slam someone because they did their best with the limited tools they were given. As for "appearances," personally, (and I know I'm not the only one) I don't care how it looks while I'm playing it. As long as there are a few landmarks here-and-there to let me know exactly where I am, it shouldn't matter. And yes, you can go look at my maps and see that I wanted them to be pretty, but that's okay because they're intended for 1v1, 2v2. For the standard 4v4, it doesn't matter. That's because you have to make the map large enough to support the extra four people and in doing so, sacrifice the chance for "beauty." But I think the map is great, except for the pre-fabbed room you have sticking half-way through the floor. I also feel that the sword and rocket spawn might be too close together. As in, it seems too easy to grab both within a few seconds. Especially if there is a spawn close by.
I have to agree with Duck to some extent. The map is well forged and uses a few pieces in interesting ways, such as the large walkways, and I don't see any issues with gameplay from my initial walkthrough, but there is nothing that stands out from the crowd. As people have said, most maps are gray and similar in design and this follows suite, which is why it could be considered generic. I'm sure it plays solidly, but I'm also sure something more original could have been done without creating a laggy mess. Compared to the majority of maps this is great, but compared to a lot of the better ones it's fairly so-so. AquarianPhoenix– why such a personal attack on S? You could have said that in its thread instead of bringing it up to slam here. There is a difference between slamming and giving honest feedback when it is directed to the designer.
First, thanks Over for the dumbass comment. Secondly, this map is about Cornerstone, not S (which is not in the shape of any number). As I suspected, I actually brought valid feedback to the table, and ended up getting flamed for it. Given how rare actual criticism is in map threads these days (this one included), I would have to say that discouraging people from bringing it up is rather silly, not to mention childish in this instance. I was not just talking about the aesthetics in my posts. Yes, the map looks like any other symmetrical 4v4 map out there, and yes, that is part of the problem I have with it. Gameplay-wise, what does this map do to stand out? What is the map's purpose? If everything it does has been done a million times before, then what is the point? Does the map flow in some unique way? Does the map have more interesting gameplay than other maps of it's kind? Does the map's gameplay manage to be somehow superior to other maps in it's category? That was my point before. I will continue to post valid, relevant feedback on maps in the future, I don't expect to be flamed for it again. If you think I'm bitter, you are (once again) mistaken. It's unfortunate that valid feedback is not only now discouraged, but mistaken as bitter, hateful remarks.
Great looking map! Seems to give players a great blend of gameplay. I love your use of large walkways! I'll give this one a DL
I love this map. It looks really Forerunner-esque. I don't know if that was your plan for the map, but you've pulled it off anyway. I love the detail and the aesthetics put into all of the walls and decorum. It looks like something I might find while playing AotCR in Halo C.E. I love all of the green lines intermixed throughout the grey. Nice work. I'll download this for sure!
Yes there are a few comments here that aren't the most constructive but you're completely ignoring the posters who specified reasons as to why they liked the map. So, your argument is a little biased in that aspect. Also, I'm not exactly sure what more you expect from a 4v4 map. The point of the map is to play within the limitations of the designed gameplay. You can say the same maps have been repeating themselves since Halo: CE! It's not about revolutionizing gameplay but bringing that familiarity to a new environment. If you want something completely different, I suggest you stop looking at competitive maps and start looking at casual game maps. If you want you're criticism to not be flamed try making suggestions. All you've done if say that the map is generic, bland and adds nothing new. You've pointed out what's wrong (in your opinion) but you haven't provided ways to fix it.
Now that I have checked it out. I like it even more. Im not gonna say I played it, cuz I cant even get a party to test my own maps nowadays but I have been around for a loooong time now and built many a maps. Rather you agree or not, I can tell if a map is gonna suck or not by looking at it in forge. This map will not suck. While it may not be ground breaking, (which is impossible now imo), it is still a good looking map with flow, and creativity. I dont think the walkway things are as amazing as they were said to be, but they still look cool and are well placed to go with a nice theme in the map. I also like the merged rooms with the Ramp rails that Pheonix dissed. Never seen them used like that before. My only problem though, isnt the sword and Rockets, its the Sword and OS being so close to eachother. I know the OS isnt as powerful in Reach as it was in H3, but it still seems a little close, even with the off spawn rates, but I trust and know you guys tested it so if it was such a problem, I know it would have been dealt with. So all in all I like it and would love to play it. Hit me up if you ever catch me in Reach (mw3 ftw) and I will play it as long as you like. At Psycho, I dont flame you for posting your feedback, thats what you are supposed to do. You just came off a little bit "Douchey" in your first post. I do agree with you to some extent, when you look at all the posts saying, "Looks awesome, 9.5 out of 10 without even downloading it". Or "This map is so cool, it should be featured. I'll download later". Thats ridiculous. Spare your lies and dont even bother posting that. We all know you arent really going to DL it, lol. At Pheonix, while it is okay to tell Psycho why you dont like his post, its pretty uncool to just dis his map here in another thread. He posted what he felt about THIS map in THIS thread. He never compared maps and I never got the idea that he was jealous or butthurt from his posts either. And I lol, seeing you bash his map a 2nd time, and then say "lets stop arguing and play this map!" all happy like...