MLG Vigor

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by aPK, Sep 12, 2011.

  1. aPK

    aPK Greatest Forger Alive
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    by a Polish Korean

    Vigor is a two-base symmetrical map. My main goals when building this map was to craft LoS in such a way that forced a team to coordinate their positioning so that they can cover as many LoS as possible at any given moment. Another goal of mine was to try a different aesthetic style. The map has been through many different reiterations, and what we have today is what I believe is the best version yet. The map was originally designed and forged for 4v4s, but over the past few weeks, 2v2 games have been very exciting, and I highly suggest playing this map for both 2v2s and 4v4s.

    -Team Slayer
    -5 Flag

    -1 GL
    -Plasma Pistol
    -4 DMRs
    -4 NRs
    -2 Magnums
    -2 Frag Grenades
    -2 Sticky Grenades
    -1 Jetpack
    -2 Healthpacks


    Top Base


    High Red Plat


    Bottom Red


    Top Purple


    Top Lift


    Front Purple


    Gold Side


    Gold Side View


    GL Court


  2. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    Bump. Why hasn't nobody commented on this map? I like he used the quarry part of Forge world really nice. This map is clean, and I am defiantly getting a game on this tonight.
  3. Hydrolysis

    Hydrolysis Forerunner

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    Haha, I agree with was this map posted in September and not noticed? This map looks very cleanly forged and the aesthetics are simple yet definitely get the job done visually! I'll try and get a few games on this later!
  4. Goat

    Goat Rock Paper Scissors Scrap
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    One of the cleanest and most innovative maps I've seen and it looks to play quite well. My only issue is that your only power weapon is a GL. Though I guess that's good considering that there's a massive height advantage on one side and jetpack making it 4 ways to get up there.
    #4 Goat, Dec 28, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2011
  5. FriedFoodStuffz

    FriedFoodStuffz Forerunner

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    I'm with goat on this one.

    Maps this polished and cleanly forged are a rare breed. Plenty of tac. jumps, and slight elevation changes to keep things interesting. Your weapon selection seems to be as balanced as any MLG map. Although that GL does give me a bit of worry as well. And something about those site lines makes we want to snipe sum foolz lol

    The only real, slight, criticism I can give is that your walls seem a little short. I see that you have a jetpack pickup, and wonder how many new players die by kill barriers.
  6. xDTx Kaos

    xDTx Kaos Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I remember playing on this a long long time ago. The layout was pretty nice and the aesthetics were very nice. The forging was also really clean. I do remember getting spawn killed a few times so I hope that is fixed. I also remember getting my butt whipped by some more MLG affiliated players. Overall I had a good time on here.
  7. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Lokks cool , its clean , playable ,2v2 , 4v4 .... this map is perfect !

    You should do a version of this map without MLG weapon settings ..... some people like me dont like MLG ....

    Anyway good map , i'm downloading it and gonna have fun on it !
  8. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    I had no idea you posted this. I would have given it a bump. Great map as usual from you. There's not much point to giving feedback now that it's nearing its final stages. I can see myself enjoying this map until Halo 4. Great job, Polish.


    In a previous version of this map, there was snipe, rockets, and jetpack. The two versions have their strengths and weaknesses, but this version flows a lot better thanks to the lift, IMO. I think adding back that sniper could bring back something to the map that the previous version had. I'm not entirely sure if this spot is already filled by another weapon as I have not played the most recent version many times, but the spot right in front of the lifts might make sense. I agree on most of your other points as well.
  9. Mynx

    Mynx Overzealous
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    New players?
    Lol it's an MLG map, people should hopefully know what they're doing.
  10. FriedFoodStuffz

    FriedFoodStuffz Forerunner

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    I was referring to players new to the map, not Halo. MLG pro or not, that kill barrier cool down can be a pain if you're not prepared for it. So it's not hard to believe that players might get themselves killed by flying through areas they thought were accessible during their first game. I've seen it happen dozens of times on other maps. I potential for it happening here. Just something for Polish to factor in should any future version be made available.
  11. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thx for bumping this Shikarix. No joke.
    This is insanly clean and a very well done map.
    I can tell the time you might have spent on this was worthwhile. Ill have to give it a Download.
    Love what u did with the ramps along the edge of the map
  12. Mynx

    Mynx Overzealous
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I see what you're saying. In the least, the kill barriers are around the map as opposed to at the top of the coliseum windows. But it's definitely a good idea to maybe put a soft kill around the edges first (even though that's definitely a pain to set up).
  13. aPK

    aPK Greatest Forger Alive
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    What is all this I don't even...



    Thanks for the very kind words and encouragement. Cleanliness is definitely one of my main concerns when I forge because it tends to improve player orientation quite a bit.

    As for the weapon layout, I will be releasing an updated version with some touch-ups and an improved weapon set. The current plan is to have a Sniper and a GL/Powerup. Ever since no-bloom has been released and no-sprint becoming the norm in customs, this map has seemed to play more like I had wanted it to.

    Again, I couldn't me any more appreciative for all the kind words and feedback. It's very nice to know that all of you dig deep to find something that piques your interest, and that Vigor happened to be one of those maps.

  14. Hulter

    Hulter ^Raindear
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    How can you tell if a map is from poland?

    you can tell by how polished it is.

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