Let's keep this friendly in here. Remember that Halo is a video game and getting pissy at other members over it is really..stupid. I'll be monitoring this thread and if anyone decides it's necessary to keep this childish flame war going then I won't hesitate to infract.
Like I said, if you've been happy with your play-tests, then **** it. That's all the matters. Also, I suppose I should have specified that I was talking about 1v1/2v2 maps when I said you need players to be able to figure it out within minutes. I have yet to play on one where I didn't at least have the layout down before the half-way mark. Power weapon locations, tac jumps, optimizing routes...well that can take a little longer. I still believe any good map at all worth its salt, whether it be 1v1 or 8v8, should be the same way.
Please, I'm trying to be friendly. Don't antagonize. There is no way I could tell what I should change just by reading 4shot's posts. He isn't giving constructive criticism. The changes he has suggested, that I can grab from the top of my head, are to remove the sniper and to remove the "extremely narrow hallways" which of there actually only is one, but he hasn't told me why they are bad, you see. I'm not going to just blindly listen to what he says or follow his demands like a slave until he he can at least motivate his complaints. Untill I actually know that his changes would be for the better I'm not going to do them. It all really makes sense and I'm not being ignorant or overly defensive. Please, stop accusing me of it. I hope he realizes he is still blocked since I was encouraged to block him by a mod. Right now at least, we are not flaming, but rather discussing the feedback and changes to the map. I've blocked 4shot to prevent major flaming. I am very happy with the playtests. I showed the map to the people I tested it with, before actually playing, and told them where the teleporters lead, et.c That is the purpose of the video, to show the important and basic tricks, tactics and hidden little stuff, to let people know of them before they DL and play the map themselves. I do have it all figured out.
I just playing in your map 5 min ago with one friend and i understand all criticism make on it. Teleporters was realy indigestible at the beginning but with time it can be interesting to elaborate some tactics. For the rest its just a taste question. Anyway the design is smart. Very good work.
Do you think it would be worth making it dirtier by putting shield doors or something else to indicate the existence of the teleporters more obviously? What about the teles was hard to "digest"?
It is not the indication but the presence of that teles in a quite small map who poses problemes. Its that just my opinion. I realy like your map but i think delete all teles for my private part in order to not disorientate others players.
They allow for more strategies, and bottom green and blue would just be too disadvantagous without them. Those places need the routes for flanking, escaping ETC, so I can't remove them. Disorientation is a problem you're always going to have at first with things like teleporters. But thanks for the input, I guess.
Oh yeah, I'm doing my best. And for the record, GL spawns pretty centrally in blue and not really just near it. Have any issues you would like to address?
Ok, so I'm playing the map for the first time, running, looking for weapons, still looking, still looking.. Why does nothing spawn off the start, when weapons eventually spawn they come at weird times. Is this so you have an advantage on 1v1 knowing the precise spawn times? you're really taking away the initial battle for weapons, 343 never has weapons on weird spawn times and not placed at start. That's mainly what made me rage on this map. That being said, you've got some excellent ideas with structures, some of which i've seen before. But that's understandable. You've learned from others by the looks of it. Not a bad map.
I really like the whole 'black walls = teleporters" idea. Very cool, and I've only seen that in a few other maps, so the idea's pretty unique and fits in well with the map, but if a person doesn't know that they're there, then it might hinder gameplay a little bit. Other than that, nice job.
I think we can all agree that the aesthetic appeal and use of unique architechture is very good on this map. I personally have not played this map but it looks like it would play pretty good too. I think the teleporters make the map more confusing, and from the video on youtube, I kept getting lost. Things I would change: 1. Take away from top mid (there is enough cover on the map already) 2. consider taking away the teleporters
Since wpcubs likes bumping, I played on this map a long time ago. If you haven't played on the map don't tell the creator what they should remove, you couldn't necessarily predict what it effects. When I played this, it was 1v1 with a friend, its open, the teleporters make it fun too, If you know the map you can trap the person going through the teleporter. This really is a fun map, worth replaying.
Well, some things don't need to be played and can be seen just by looking. The teleporter thing is a bit strange to me, but the suggestion of removing the cover on top mid kind of makes sense, actually. I've occasionally thought about wheter I want it like that or not. My biggest problem is that you can get som pole dancing around them. I think the teleporters are needed, considering how simple the geometrical layout is.
I believe as a viewer and a critic, I have that position to give my side. If you want to be stubborn and just say no to every little thought as if every little glimpse of his ego tells him he is right, well you lost a fan. How will he know what the effects of changes will be if he does not view them? One side of the story does not tell everything so stop your whimpering for those who cannot take in a few thoughts from forger to forger. Sorry if it sounds harsh but I hate to see people say they're idea is better because you just never know.
Whoa. people have fans on here? @RiP: Thanks, bro. Now how about you made something that isn't a clone of commons, and made it into this little forge hub favourites thing yourself. Just need to get poopular first. =)
I have to agree with Hulter, though, that the teleporters can make or break the map. Played on it when a friend got it, haven't downloaded it myself, and he showed it to me. It was confusing, at first, but at around the eight minute mark I realized that there was a teleporter there. I raged at myself for a while for being stupid, and I used it, and got a face full of GL. Needless to say, I was shocked. But, I used it again, and he was waiting, but I got him stickied. Which was why he sprinted right at me, killing me and him. Game over. I've gone all over the map a few times, looking for him, and he was right behind me for about a minute, following me, and laughing his butt off. I heard him from his mike, and I was then turning, and I died. The map is great for people who know it, but I really felt like I was stumbling in the dark for a while. I think I've learned enough to not get blindsided over and over again, but I just don't like the uneven experience. It's like when you play a brand new game with a champion as your enemy; you will get slaughtered, but eventually it will trickle down into dying about once a minute, even scoring some kills as well. Nicely thought out, but the application could use some revisions, which I'll leave to you, seeing as it's your map and you can do whatever you want with it.