Timbered race

Discussion in 'Reach Race Maps' started by guiguipelloq, Dec 27, 2011.

  1. guiguipelloq

    guiguipelloq Forerunner

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    Timbered race

    Take a tour trough this thrilling, well-finished racetrack built in a luxurious scenery. 20 hours of work made by guiguipelloq.

    Hello everybody,
    I'm here to present my fifth map of Reach. As in my other maps, you can play it on oddball after having played it on race.

    For this map, I have changed my forge method. I no longer use the coordinates placement, that means that you will see true banked turns, and it also means that visually, it looks less attractive and perfect than my older maps.

    One of the features of this racetrack is that there are two different starters, and consequently you may cross the road of others pilots. But don't worry, it is still very cool and you will understand quickly this not-so-strange functionnement.
    Because of that, I advise that you play with a 5-laps setting instead of the usual 3-lap one.

    For the Oddball mode, you have to find 6 grenade launchers and 3 jet-packs, and these are available without jet-pack. Then, with you jet-pack, you're able to find the skull.

    Here is the download link.
    Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details
    And by the way, while you're on my file share, don't forget to download and recommend ("Like") my others maps !

    Here are the pictures.
    I've also done a video, here : Timbered race - An Halo Reach race map on Ridgeline - YouTube.
    The starter, with three colour balls.

    The first descent (on the red side of the track). You have to turn right.

    The red base, and the first tremplin.

    After the tremplin, the first banked turns freestyle zone.

    A short straight line. Then, you enter (for the first time) in the big central structur. It's here that you can meet the blue racers.

    Next zone, you're heading to the blue base.

    Second freestyle zone. Very pleasant.

    You can see this section again, with an other angle.

    Again, you go trough the center...

    ... and you eventually reach a second time the red base. Another lap !

    If you've enjoyed it, don't forget to recommend it to your friends (you can just click 'Like" on my fileshare) and to post a comment !

    NB : If I've done some English mistakes, please tell me about it.
    #1 guiguipelloq, Dec 27, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2012
  2. bullet2thehead9

    bullet2thehead9 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Looks interesting I haven't seen lots of maps on the Amp (anniversary map pack) so its nice to see on every once in a while this map looks very nice love the aesthetics. great job I will definitely give it a try.
  3. Southern

    Southern Forerunner

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    The pictures don't really help show the flow and path of a lap, IMO. Also, there were some parts that weren't blocked off, like at the top by the bridges in the last pic. Did you cover those with killzones?
  4. Spencermx14

    Spencermx14 Forerunner

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    Looks a little rough in my opinion, but I will save full judgement until I try it out. I love the race opportunities this new map!
  5. guiguipelloq

    guiguipelloq Forerunner

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    I also think that thoses pictures aren't very pertinent, but I didn't managed to take better pictures, for some reasons included that the trees were blocking the camera and the view. One of the only solutions was to take pictures with the camera near the floor.
    Indeed I've placed killzones in all the spaces where you may fall. But in the last pic, the bridges visible are part of the central structure, and they're not race-able. You pass completely beneath the central scenery.

    Hello, I return to you presently because of the success of my map. Indeed, it has been downloaded 2500 times approximatively in its first week online, and that has allowed it to be the 13th most telecharged map of the week, and the first one on a DLC map. Also, it has the best ratio likes/downloads of my map, what means that it is likely my best map.
    More comments ?
    #5 guiguipelloq, Jan 6, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2012
  6. guiguipelloq

    guiguipelloq Forerunner

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    It's a bit late but I've updated my initial post with a video. Don't forget to check it out.

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