I played A LOT of Halo Custom Edition, and there is thousands of maps that can be played, good and bad. I only seen a couple of maps recreated from CE, such as Delta Ruins. I think people should start looking at the HaloMaps community. For example, I wanted to recreate this map . Do you think I should recreate some of the maps on the site?
I think people should actually be creative and make their own maps. The vast majority of the community seems to almost entirely lack creativity, which is very disappointing to me. Take inspiration from other maps if you want, but make your own stuff.
Pretty much what I meant for this, not to recreate maps, just didn't know how to word it. Did you ever download Halo ce?
It's more or less the same as taking a picture or stated idea into consideration when coming up with your own, reimaginating in a sense. I do agree alot of the Halo Custom Edition had some interesting ideas for maps, and the designer was top notch, even now. One thing I really love is how you could design a skybox, and sandbox for your projects one thing that reach's forge lacks, but I think it will get there as everything normally does after a couple versions of testing. I agree with duck that I wouldnt just pull the map over to reach as if it were a remake, these are still community maps same as those on this site and others. But looking at the maps themselves the complexitiy of the bases most of these maps have are really something to admire, most are very clean, but this is due to the process of recoloring that Forge 2.0 lacks. I'd say if your in need of some ideas that looking at some of these designs is never a bad thing, read the reviews of the maps and the information on them, both bad and good. You can then use your own knowledge of map making to recreate something that reminds of you the design but is something you've created all on your own as well that plays much better .
Hell no. Remaking maps is a good way to learn more about forging and even if you dont release it, that doesnt matter. It never has. If you want to remake a map you also shouldn't need others to tell you what map. choose one and do it. Or you can try your hand at combining multiple maps. Psychoduck is right, he is. Creativity and originality should flourish- it doesnt. Not as we might hope for it to. We gather what we can from official halo maps, and the custom forged ones we see around us here and anywhere else. We compile what we see and take what we like, getting inspiration as we go. Its something I have always done and I know I will continue to do it, just as I know others do the same. In short do whatever the hell you want in forge. Lacking good ideas? Get some friends to help you out and see if what they do sparks anything. Not working? Look around Forgehub or at Bungie maps. Maybe look at the custom Halo maps you mentioned earlier. Inspiration is everywhere, you just need to see every possibility, not where is set in stone.
No ones ever a idiot for asking a question about new forge ideas , I've looked over around a hundred of the Halo CE maps on the site and there are plenty to take ideas from. Taking ideas from a forged map is no different than taking certain ideas from campaign maps and concept art. And I could see alot of these designs work really well in reach, like ive said before especially the base designs. Ive stumbled across a map that I really love on this site called Immure2 by NeuroKoNeza. I love its look and style which reminds me of a combination of Relic and Containment only much smaller, have you seen it perhaps?
I mean idk what maps you can remake, but i think remaking some from Halo PC would be an awesome idea. Like many other Halo community members, I came into the franchise through the xbox and completely missed all these great maps that were made for the PC. For me, the remake would feel like a brnd new map (cuz its foreign to me). My friend says you should try and remake Infinity, but that mght be hard
I can't really remake anything, the dimensions always come out wrong, so Infinity being a huge map, sounds really ridiculous if I got that task.
Ill have to check out Immure 1, I agree theres a lot of creative ideas out there. Some remakes are such a pain lol, some drive you to the edge when trying to remake certain aspects of the map. I think you have the right idea though and should go for it man try building one of these.
There's actually an interesting point about reimagining maps that springs to mind, with specific respect to CE as well: custom maps for the Xbox version. I'm not going to go in to detail on how to's because it involves softmodding original Xboxs, but there was an awesome map pack made by pwnytar and insidious that is, in large part, formed of reimagined CE maps. My favourite were based on Dammy and Pris, and they played very well. The one based on Dammy actually played closer to its own map than I would expect, even more so with the one which (I think) was based on HeH. I'll try and find some videos of gameplay so you can get an idea of how they pulled off an inspired by whilst still bringing something new to the table.
I agree with you completely Pegasi, its always nice to see something familiar yet unique enough to bring a totally new level of gameplay to the table. Similiar to the remade version of Dammy by 343, Penance is for the most part a very good reimagination of a classic. And perhaps its best to look back at both old and new projects to spark some creativity, everyones learned from someone elses project at one time or another. And honestly I'd love to see some of these awesome maps reimagined and made in a way that they played much better. While some may not like reach's gameplay(My only issue is the Armor Abilitys) its perhaps the best playing and controlling halo it just needs more maps that take advantage of its differences and the good parts it has.
Immure1 could be remade in the canyon, it would just have hills, Immure was famous for wasp battles and some what tactical jumps to get on top of the map for sniping. I tried to recreate a map called Airlock, it just didn't come out as I wanted it to. The easiest maps I can't recreate, I swear.