MLG Guardian V3 REMAKE OF MLG GUARDIAN EDIT: This is the final version to be released, V3.0! Some of the jumps have been changed to be more suitable, and a few touch ups and spawn changes have been implemented to the map. Any suggestions at this point will be disregarded but kept in mind for future projects and or remakes. Take a look at the new screen shots! EDIT TO MY EDIT: Okay maybe I'll make changes.. <_< DESCRIPTION & EXPLANATION First, I'd like to start out with a disclaimer before you venture any further into this map and or thread. Making a map exactly as it was in Halo 3 is a difficult job. Making a map play exactly as it was played in Halo 3 makes the job even harder. And doing both of those together while making the map look clean and well forged with little to no screen lag is nearly impossible. That is not to say I achieved all of this, but I hope that to the majority of those looking at it, I achieved most of it. In terms of making the map look better, I built it close to the water so as to not waste budget when sinking pieces into the ground. Since the "floor" in Halo 3 Guardian is a bottomless pit, I think the water of Forge World is really the only way to mimic it. So though it may bother you that your beloved map is so near the ocean, it personally would bother me to see braces and walls randomly floating above Forge World, or worse, use more budget and objects to make it eventually touch ground/water. No, all of you're jumps are not going to be there. No, not all of them that are will work and or look the way you want them to (and to that, all I really have to say to that is, would you rather them not be there at all...?). The ones I included are (excuse me for not knowing the call outs...) bottom gold to top gold, blue spiral to top gold, and snipe 1 to snipe 2 (Jump from ramp or back railing). And since some other versions of Guardian that I've seen made it impossible, I just want to say that you can in fact jump from gold to blue without any problems. With all of this in mind, I hope you have room for just one more side note. I made this map to look good. If there are any alterations to the original Halo 3 Guardian that you don't like or aren't sure why I changed at all, it is for that reason. If I tried to make everything exactly as it was, in Halo 3... quite frankly it would probably look god-awful. Also note that I called this MLG because of the weapons I used and their placement, not because I actually believe this would even be considered for the circuit. More explanations will be given along with the screenshots. WEAPONSx1 Sniper 1 Extra clip, 118 seconds. * x1 Grenade Launcher 4 Extra clips, 118 seconds(Bottom mid, I felt that only one power weapon would be insufficient, and there was no way I was about to place down a shotgun which is in no way a mauler equivalent.) x4 Plasma Grenade 30 seconds x4 Frag Grenade 30 seconds x4 DMR 2 Extra clips, 10 seconds x4 Needle Rifle 2 Extra clips, 10 seconds x2 Magnum 2 Extra clips, 30 seconds x2 Plasma Pistol 90 seconds x1 Active Camo 120 seconds SCREENSHOTS Red team's load out camera and basic view off of their spawn (elbow). Complete view of elbow and sniper tower (health pack inside), shows placement of sniper. View from snipe 1 through to bottom gold, shows placement of grenade launcher. Blue team's spawn and basic load out camera. My explanation for altering blue spawn is if they were to race red for the sniper, spawning way back in shotgun hall wouldn't pay them any favors. For those who want to stick to Halo 3 spawns... go ahead and edit it, but I'm not doing it for you since I believe in fair play to power weapons. That's just my take on the subject... Basic outer view of blue. Blue room, even the fancy blue "light" in the ceiling. I made sure no one could actually grab that active camo, don't worry. Shows placement of health pack. The jump up from blue spiral to top gold is shown here (crouch jump). Outside view of top gold, shows the active camo placement. View from bottom gold to snipe 1, shows placement of grenade launcher again. Standing on what appears to be nothing; invisible jump up from bottom gold to top gold (crouch jump). Finishing the jump with another crouch. Side view of gold, shows placement of camo again. View from gold into blue/gold hallway. Fancy fusion coils are fancy. Front view of green, or what I'd call my little masterpiece (LOL). Side view of green. Bottom mid's windows! There's the grenade launcher again. EXTRA CREDITS Small edits were made by Stopex (GT: Stopex, FH: Stopex) and Frenchys (GT: Frenchys, FH: Frenchys). Thank you both, your edits have made the map cleaner and more efficient.
Hey Res and welcome to ForgeHub! Everythng seems to be in order post-wise which is good. Um, looks like a decent remake of gaurdian... How much testing did you do? I mean, the other day you werent even done halfway building it... It might be a good idea to include the spawn times and # of clips for the weapons and maybe include top-down overview of the map highlighting where everything is. Apart from spawns, there isnt mch else that can go wrong. Well done.
Hello, Res. You seem like a most promising new member. Although this map has been remade many times, this one absolutely stands before the rest - at least from what can be taken of the pictures. The map appears very clean and accurate to the original. Like Berb said I hope the spawns aren't rushed and such but it really makes no sense to make a map so beautiful and then slack off on the spawns. Good luck on future maps, and welcome to the community.
I have to say, that looks like the cleanest Forge of Guardian I have ever seen. Downloaded! Cant wait to try it out!
Great looking remake! I agree completely with Ociee, from the images that you have posted this looks to be the cleanest and most accurate remake of Guardian that I've seen to date! I'll give it a DL. Keep up the great forging!
I will download this map, but I say this for almost every guardian remake that is posted on forgehub, like oh this one looks great, no frame rate here! Then it turns out to have frame rate, 2 months later new guardian. Just saying, but this is REALLY clean.
Thanks all for the downloads, comments, and compliments! [And welcomes] As for the spawns, no I didn't pay too much attention to them... However I'm working on a few upgrades (Making gold jump invisible, changing the shape of elbow, ect...) to make the map even more accurate to the original since a few of my Halo 3 friends are still a bit unsatisfied. So seeing as I will be making a V3 (Which I will test much more), I'm not feeling the need to make edits to the spawn system on this version.
I loved to forge with you on this man : Funny , easy and Beautiful ! This is the final version ? If yes gave it to me so i can do the version without MLG weapon Set-up . Hahaha ...... ????? im confused .....Anyway beutiful remake of it man .
I gotta say this looks really nice and clean. I DL'd and took a look around and i like it so far. Gonna wait for some buddies to get online and I'm gonna see how it plays. So far i like it nice job. I made a review of it hopefully more people can now see your work The Map Review: MLG Guardian | Episode 2 - YouTube
Hey Remi, glad to see you on ForgeHub! Definitely the best Guardian out there. You should also show them the newest version :O
What do you know about clean and efficient, Polish? I out DMR'd you once. I am inclined to agree though.
Thanks to all! Boom, there it is. Final edits were made and I am glad to say I am 100% pleased with the way it ended up looking and playing (even though it's definitely best for FFA). Take a look around it and try out the new/edited jumps (gold especially). I'm sorry to say that new input will not bring me to make any new changes to the map seeing how I have more projects to take on, and I've already spent more time than usual on this particular map. However... enjoy! EDIT: These jumps can be made without altered jump height, though if you're no good at crouch jumping then I suggest changing the jump height anyhow.
From what i can see, you have perfectly recreated Guardian while bringing a new (and better) aesthetic to the map. Great job!
The updates look really nice. Sniper spawn feels weird going to it. But no biggie still the best remake imo.
Really? Dude, you gotta be patient and take your time finishing stuff. I'd say, at least change the flooring in blue first. It still looks pretty cluttered. What if you had a brace large covering the hallway and part of the room, and then two corner 4x4s and maybe a 1x1 tall and thin in between, sort of like on Mac's guardian. I think that would look a lot better and cleaner. Loving the other changes though. Huge improvements. I hope you don't have screen lag anymore, back from green. Removing those bridge diagonals probably helped a lot. I'm vorried about those ramp steeps though. Not sure you really need the lift at invis. You could just open that up a bit, and simply let people jump instead. After all, that is really the way it always worked, because all the lift ever did was making unnecessary noice. Would be a real shame if you never bothered finishing this up a bit more.
love love love <3 great remake! played a few other remakes nd this one def. is best! i love how u put the little railing things u placed to keep tac. jumps from original. everything looks clean nd i love. The only thing is snipe 3 feels realy ...low. it's been a while since i played halo 3, so corect me if i'm wrong, but wasn't it higher up? also i actualy like the change to the ramp from snipe 2 to 3. this might sound wierd, but it just seems better nd a little more roomy this way. anyway love the map, now me nd my friends are gana go ham on guardian just like the oldn' dayz
Holy hell, is this real feedback...? LOL. Honestly, I said that because if you take a look back at the rest of the thread I wasn't really receiving any feedback or advice to change the map. No one was really providing any changeable suggestions, things like make me feel like... well WTF am I supposed to do about it..? I don't know why they think it feels weird because they never said. It just feels weird apparently, and as a forger I have no idea how to fix it. I see what you're saying here, but I don't think I could use those two objects. I fear the brace large will stick out below the glass part of blue. And I am relatively sure (almost positive, but I don't want to say anything solid before I actually take a peek in forge) that the corners in blue would not be covered by 4x4 platforms, only 2x2s (unfortunately). I'll look into it, though. I feel like someone would complain about inaccuracy (as if I didn't leave enough room for any of that LOL). Though I might not need it, the real Guardian has it and if I can include it without turning my map to ****, I'd say it's okay. It probably is. That can't really be helped without restructuring the whole thing, and personally I don't see it as a big enough deal to tear down mah pretty tower. At least this way you can easily jump up onto S3 without altering jump height. Yeah, tower seems to be a very popular spot during games, and this actually provides some much needed room to battle.
hear ya, wouldnt tear it down either. nd good point with the jump. been playing this map alot actualy since downloaded it, nd it's so funy how much more jumps are in this now with sprint. love the map nd keep up the good work, this is def the designated map for 1v1s between me nd friends now lol