This is one of my better designed maps, its in an outdoor part of the map, yet its indoor. Basically i built a base around the outside of the sniper tower, using walls, doors, boxes, and bridges. Its a zombie themed map (yet later i will make variations of assault, ctf, etc.). Ive made a few maps like this in my past resistance series of maps, but i think this is the best of all of my Indoor/Outdoor maps. The zombies spawn on the elbows of the Battle rifle tower and the humans spawn inside of the base, with an assault rifle and shotgun, with various weapons placed in the base. Here is the gametype.. 12 to Evac. The Map From Front Inside 1 Inside 2 From Elbow
thanks for the positive comment! if you have suggestions for how i could make it better please tell me!
Perhaps you should have taken some screens with the filters off. It's just too hard to see the map, so it's hard for any opinions to be made.
QFT Anyway, I have no idea what this maps looks like so I can't say how good or bad it might be. Also one other thing, remove the (Indoor/Outdoor Map) part from the name of the Thread. You will get mega flame for that. It's also against the rules to have anything other then the maps name in the Thread name. The reason for that is to give every single map that is posted the exact same chance. No influencing people to click on your thread with anything other then the maps name.
everyone that cant see the screens are blind. i can understand not being able to see the front view but comon you must not beable to see atall if you cant see the other pictures.