@Hitsuga- Nice map to remake, although I predict that there are gonna be some camping in the small tunnel part, I'm sure you could figure something out. Nice Linkin Park music btw.
I'm about halfway-ish done with the map. Although it's a simple map, it allows a lot of action-packed fighting so.. Since there are no weapons on the map, I'm going to be making a custom gametype for this map. In other words, I'm making a custom gametype so that the gameplay may stay true to it's overall feel. Once I do that, camping should be somewhat limited. Sure people will still camp, but people can't camp for long without dying. The biggest camping spots on this map would be the vents (Which are realllllly tough to make blah..). Campers in the vents can easily be taken down with a grenade.
A 4v4 that's set in a huge skyscraper that includes opposing balconies and a building lobby, probably for neutral objectives. It's still in planning, though.
Does anyone want to add me to test their maps? I love halo and I'm a nice guy.. Promise. GT: I GET LUCKY17
Hey, you're that kid who was bumping the poetry blogs. Stop doing that. Most people in this thread are still building the maps, I would assume.
If your looking to play with people or test their maps you should post in this thread. I dropped the aesthetic thing, but now I'm attempting a BTB map. It's not going well. Skyrim's wasting my time away...
actually, now I'm about to build a 2v2 based off of Shikarix's and my own designs. The 4v4 is now on hold.
I totally feel you basket, Skyrim has dedicated its life to addicting me into becoming its ***** lately lol. I ended up creating a new character after picking two of the wrong perks for my Lv 54. I'm hoping to finish these Foreign Treasure II remakes up this week, and finish a few projects I'm helping others on before moving on to BTB designs myself. Been really wanting to see a dedicated forerunner theme BTB map with a mix of Containment and Avalanche so bad , I just havent had time to set down and design much lately. What kind of BTB map are you working on basket? By the way anyone have some sketch ups they would like to share or map concepts? Really enjoy seeing what people have designed and come up with .