Haunted Hillside

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by A30N, Dec 24, 2011.

  1. A30N

    A30N Forerunner

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    This is my latest Rendition of infection maps. This map takes place in a haunted valley which lefts its previous visitors hungry for brains...The Humans start off in a boat that has landed dock, and must make they're escape to the tower above. This map is fairly linear and requires the humans to take the teleporter or climb the cliffs to the spiral stair case. The main theme was to create a feel of very high up distances and heights to add to the paranoia of infection. this also allows for the zombies to jump in and ambush the humans, which creates some great infection play.

    :loadout camera view

    :the first destination is the fishing shack which provides momentary cover from the zombies jumping into the valley.

    :view of teleporter (left side) and walkway up cliffside(Right side)

    :view of the Skeleton Bridge and Broken Bridge

    :the top of the tower, you can get here by taking the man cannons from the skeleton bridge or randomly by telporter. also there is an overshield that is only reachable by jumping to it, so you cant camp the top with overshield and it is also a way to jump back down.
    #1 A30N, Dec 24, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2011
  2. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Impressive work, the docks looks simply amazing and the destruction of the bridge is executed very well. I can't really figure if this is more of a free roam or a journey styled infection map. I would suggest putting a video or some gameplay screenshots to give the potential downloaders an impression of what to expect. However, I like both types of infection so that won't stop me from downloading. Nice job.
  3. A30N

    A30N Forerunner

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    it is a free roam map, you dont have to make it to the top of the tower, but it provides best chance for survival. and yeah ill try to upload some gameplay screenshots give people a better idea of the map.
  4. Ticky

    Ticky Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The maps aesthetics look very nice...but gameplay is undetermined. It reminds me a lot of my map, Endangered Estate. Good Job, though. I will try to get some gameplay on it soon enough in the survival horror customs.
  5. HitsugaXIII

    HitsugaXIII Forerunner

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    My only question is whether or not you can enter the big building. However, I do like all the pleasing aesthetics you did with this.
  6. A30N

    A30N Forerunner

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    no you cant enter the tower, i thought about, but i made it so you have to get to the top of the tower to add to the "fear of Heights".
  7. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The first picture of this map made me go "HOLY SHIIIIIIIT, THIS LOOKS EPIC," It looks really sick, especially because I admire that cliffside area of forgeworld the most. It looks like the perfect place to build a map and you seemed to pull everything off great! Can't wait to try it!
  8. A30N

    A30N Forerunner

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    my thoughts exactly, i found that this part of forgeworld offered a good setting for a canyon or valley style map. the hardest part was getting the rocks to look good and traversable, and provide cover to each cliffside.
    #8 A30N, Jan 4, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2012

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