You knew it was coming. Had to be done. An Xmas thread. You know what? **** Xmas! Merry Sunday, everyone! So, what'd the fat guy in the red jumpsuit leave under your severely malnourished tree this year? Everything you ever wanted, or an irregularly shaped mass of combustible black or brownish-black sedimentary rock*? *Coal, for those of you playing at home. ;D
I wish I had gotten coal... Woulda made surviving the night much easier. 1of3 Christmases down, already got an iPhone, some sweaters (zippers, **** yeah!), money, gift cards, and a really expensive looking headphone set for home listening which I'll probably never use... Might need to know where they got that haha.
All sorts of cooking supplies. i.e. butane torch, pasta maker and ravioli stamp, and for when that doesn't work out, a gift card to Jimmy
I heard the big guy was low on coal, so he started handing out Nickelback CD's to misbehaven children instead. However I did get an Aperture Science shirt and a nice copy of Arkham City along with some books! I am quite pleased with this day!
****ing lawl. Well, it seems not a lot of people got anything, or maybe people just didn't want to post because their gifts were extremely embarrassing.
Clothes, a watch, 2 hats, shoes, socks, a pillowcase, money, and gift cards. I asked for BF3 but I didn't get it.