ok this is a major question i have and if i dont have this answered then i will be majorly effected. ok so the question is how do i keep maps on the global stats. since i dont have bungie pro i cant have a lot of maps and gametypes on my file share. and since im planning on having way more than 6 maps and gametypes on my file share, how do i have it so ppl can still download maps that arnt on my fileshare. i really need this question answered. and pls help me out with this!!!
There was formerly a glitch through which you could get maps to stay on bungie.net permanently after deleting them from your fileshare. There's probably still a way to do it that I just need to find still. Don't believe me? How is this terrible old map of mine still on bungie.net; check my fileshare, it's not there. There are a few other things I got stuck up there, but the glitch stopped working correctly. Edit: Do NOT download the map. It was mediocre at best.
ok ill probally get bungie pro. any way to get it with out amazon? they now have it avalible because of the 343 industries switch.
Bungie Pro isn't available anymore, but existing subscriptions carry on untill they end. People that had B pro when it became unavailable to subscribe keep their extended FS forever. Mine ended right before
no you can still buy it, when you go on bungie.net and go to bungie pro it leads you to amazon.com to buy it there
Yeah i was lucky as my bungie pro expired the day after the unlimited pro kicked in so now i have it forever.