yes blackout, and furious, nice reply. and i know it ain't the best but i thought it was different to all the other screenshots so i posted it.
3/5 The screenshot itself is kinda boring, but the effect is pretty darn cool. Nice one Ivory, though I would have probably been a bit harsher if it wasn't you =] I am a harsh critique...
That looks pretty sweet. Staged, right? lol, i dont could be action. you never know these crazy as matchmaking is
as i think i said before (cant be bothered to look) this was nothing special, i just thought it looked kinda cool so i posted it, i know that most people won't be impressed.
It's a little boring, in my opinion. But it also looks cool, and it makes me wanna recreate my bubble shield o' death pic.
What that is a sick pic! Loving the way you used the bubble shields as the sun .. It looks like there is a liitle explosion in there too Good pic