HAUNTED MANOR this is a remake from the halo 3 infection map Haunted Manor. I think it is a really well made remake and is almost to perfect scale. i hope you like it and let me know what you think. The map took around 2 hours to make and having some of my friends play it they thought it was exactly like the one from halo 3. plz note i changed and edited the map so the pictures are not up to date yet. the changes i made are making the map more neat and looking better. picturesoverview from right side of map infection spawn a minature remake of the foundry spawn overview of map from the left side of the map the backyard of the house the second floor in the house infection spawn from the top view the side yard of the house --i know the soccer field wasnt in the original-- the attic showing the way up the survival spawn to the left grav lift and straight ahead are the stairs the garage another way in into the house Download link-- Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details x SNipEz x
If you want to do this map justice, you would have not built it in the Coliseum. If you would have built in the Quarry, it would look a lot like a mansion, and not just some blocks in the Coliseum. Also, you could improve on aesthetics. The walls look ugly, and there are better alternatives that you could use.
Actually Actually I don't want to make it in quarry because it's a remake for one and I don't want grass because the actuall map didn't have grass so I'm not going to make it were there is grass
I agree with this. 343i is looking for Infection maps, and this map could actually get in matchmaking. I loved Infection in H3 and this map was one in particular that I always voted for. If you want it in Matchmaking you should probably rebuild it so it looks (and therefore performs) better. Just my 2 cents.
There's a snippet here where they talk about a January update and mention Living Dead in particular. Also, a few cartographers have told me that they've been looking at Infection maps for some time. If OP solicits his map in time it can get in. But I advise a rebuild all the same for better performance in the long run. The coliseum isn't the best place to build maps due to its lighting. It's very difficult to see players because of the way the forge textures are illuminated.
Wow, awesome, they should look at THFE maps, Insanmiac, and such forgers. This map looks interesting, but sloppy I agree remaking it, maybe at the edge of the quarry.
Oh, and please cut back on the building blocks. If you would use a better looking alternative, the map would be so much better.
Last I heard the "living deadline" was a week or two ago to get everything to 343. Don't worry because there should still be future updates to infection. If 343 is treating it anything like Bungie has in the past they will be looking for maps more like those already in the playlist.
Awesome. Loved that you remade the original, but gave a little twist on it and made it your own, for example the soccer field. I'd love to get a game on this. This map brings back so many memories. If only the colors were correct, though. The lighting in foundry gave a more eerie feel to the map. Definitely one of the funnest infection maps out there to this date.
I love this map, it definitely is the best remake I've seen so far but agree that it can be better. In any case, we should keep the soccer field and go for an extensive build. I want to play this map in matchmaking so bad. Catch you next time
Hmmm.. would have never thought of remaking this map, good great idea! The only memory that cannot be restored is the pushing of the attic crate to block the stairs ;_;