Im working on ; -Sierre 117 remake - Sketch Up desing to Halo Reach - 5 Remake of my Halo 3 map . Thats it !
I'm touching up a Team slayer map, maybe up to 6v6. It is an out door map with multiple buildings to give a city feel to it. It is very warthog orientated as there is a defined road going between the buildings. I have a sequel to my Pandora's Fear map that is just about finished. that just needs testing. I also have an indoor map in the works that I just started, it has a similar style to Pandora's Fear but is much more open and designed to play Slayer and some objective gametypes. Might post some previews...
So your going with that one? I've been working on an aesthetic map featuring a ton of miniature stuff. I might actually get that posted today.
It was 2 in the morning, I threw around random inclines and 4x4s, I think it might be turning into a legit map.
An indoor U-shaped map based off of countdown. I always hated how combat goes straight to the top of the map. So it's pretty much the lower part of the map just somewhat redesigned. Also a 1v1 2v2 map built around the natural landscape of the cove-facing side of the island. Got a few matches on it today and it played pretty nicely. And finally, Its a remake of the new firefight map Installation 04, but for multiplayer. I have yet to do spawns and objectives. Maybe one of these days I'll get back around to it.
I'm working on this cool thing that's like cool and stuff and it's gonna be really fun when I finish it which I probably will cause it's like a map in Halo and stuff which I really like and stuff.
im working on a new invasion map built on Montana... it features as massive forerunner relic on the 'pride rock' area and several forerunner structures dotted around the area.. i might include a couple pictures
A space station Infection map where your ship is hit by several missiles carrying biological weapons. Very rough right now, but I like how it's turning out.
like 15 different maps that is making my life overwelming so now im writing them down if they are actully good.
Too many maps to count but I'm focused on my most successful attempt at a symmetrical map and releasing my other maps that are quite old by now.
Well said good sir! I was inspired by my interest in having splitscreen 1v1 maps for when im offline at college and seeing Syra's preview gave me some push to forge. In the last few days I have been forging with my spare time into the wee hours of the morning making these 1v1 maps. I have played 1 so far and it's turning out to be quite fun I think. There is a good chance they wont ever be posted, and Im not seriously working on them as much as I might be able to, but it's fun to actively forge again.
Currently? Im juggling two remakes from GOW 2, Ruins and Sanctuary, for Foreign Treasures II. And im also putting together some finishing touches on a symmetrical design inspired mostly by a mix of Damnation and Derelict, will see how it turns out however lol.
I'm currently working on a competitive map remake called Warehouse which exists within a somewhat popular computer FPS game: Sudden Attack This video can give you an idea of what the map is like [Sudden Attack]: Warehouse - Testing Fraps - YouTube What I'm trying to capture in this remake is the fast and action packed pace of the overall gameplay. Sure it looks blah, but it's filled with a lot of fun action I think. Also I'm working on making a map that resembles Atlantis... Forerunners made it, and one day it was put to ruins. Of course I'll be adding a somewhat water-themed effect
That sounds really neat Hits, are you planning to add a water ripple effect flooring to it then? The Delta Halo Temple from Halo 2 reminds me alot of what a section of a forerunner themed atlantis would look like, I hope to see a preview of the design soon . And thats a really nice map from sudden attack the video seems to show, hows your work on that going so far?