Spoiler So I was playing matchmaking with one of my friends on Spire and I was on a good run. It was the last 10 seconds of the game and I had a grenade launcher. I saw a Falcon approaching so I said what the heck...I jet packed to the Falcon, EMPed the Falcon, hijacked it and received a double kill from it as it was going down, lol. Kill 1: pilot died due to hight Kill 2: gunner got out and propeller blade killed him (this is probably my favorite) Sweet Falcon Hijack - YouTube
The best high jacks happen on Spire, I didn't know you have a capture card, you should make videos on your maps. That was pretty sick though. EDIT: LMAO, the second player died by the blade from the flipped falcon, this is pretty epic.
Hijacking off of spire is so much fun. It's even more fun to splatter jumpers with the falcon propellers.
Once, I got the Falcon under the Spire's outer platform thing, and just mowed people down because the blades glitch through. You'd think an entire team of Elites would know those things hurt.