Decline Decline is a simple map made for slayer. It is composed of two main levels. Man-cannons are on the side. and there are two 'storage room.' It is a symmetrical map. You will understand the map with the pictures as most maps are recognized with pics. Comments and suggestions are appreciated. Weapons Sword Sniper DMR Plasma Pistol Concussion Rifle Magnum Needler Needle Rifle Plasma Grenade Frag Grenade Pictures Outer part of map the may remind you of Countdown. Lift leads up to to level (concussion rifle spawn) Farthest walkway and can move down through slots between walls and ramps for getaways (sniper spawn in middle) Second walkway, man cannons lead to middle platform Second walkway, under part leads to sword spawn The tunnel Sword spawn View of a base (red and blue are same) back is the 'storage room' Middle part of map Special thanks to I PAINTS I and Shikarix for adding items and fixing frame rate issues. Download Now
Love this map the aesthetics are amazing and looks there are great lines of sight it looks very solid,clean,well constructed and very well planned out great map can't wait to give it a try
Map's aesthetics look good; however, your pictures fluff it up. My first initial thought off spawn was that I felt trapped. There weren't many places for me to go because I turned to face the crate and barricade room and there was no exit there. So I was forced to go straight or take the man cannon area, which to me is too narrow. In fact, the majority of the map felt too narrow, and I can't imagine it being anything short of chaotic with all the multi-team spawns you have set up. I wouldn't play 4v4 on it to be honest. It's too linear. Players need more path options sideways and less downwards.
The map looks well forged, but it's hard to understand the layout, could you possibly add a overview?
Thanks for the comments. I was considering moving the initial spawns to the storage rooms but then i felt like camping would be an issue for objective game types. My next map which is almost finished is more open and players can move around the map very quickly (man cannons). The aesthetics in that map are to me twice as better as this one so look forward to it. The name is Lifted.
Glad to see the map posted, when you showed me this, I was honestly really sketchy on this map, but the game play was actually fun when we played Team Slayer on it. I really wish you would of knocked down the wall where the Energy Sword is but whatever it's your map.
Ya I just felt like the sword needed a background and I don't know if you did but I felt some lag when it wasn't there maybe I was wrong. idk
You really know how to do symmetry very well now. I see it in every new map of yours. I know your gunna have some very cool maps coming out with a skill like that. I like the countdown based part of the map
Design looks solid, but what I would do is remove does unnecessary aesthetic pieces, like the platform large and the 2x2 steep ramps in the second pic, perhaps replace it something that blends in better, like an upside down platform xxl maybe.