Madison Square Garden *EDIT* I like the name idea and so it is called Madison Square Garden. Thanks Frenchys!! Okay so I just started this last night and I believe it is coming along very nicely. However, I am at a loss as to what I should add to the map next. But we can talk later, time for some pics. Map Overview view into map from corner(same on all sides) view of corner from inside Center of map As I said I am at a standstill for ideas right now, so if anyone has any please share and if you would like to take the map and build yourself PM me and I will give you a DL link. Thanks for reading!
Seems pretty small. A nice 1v1, perhaps? Regardless of player count, you're going to need to some more height variation. You'll definitely want to add some more geometry as well. But, maybe that will come hand in hand if you add some more height and routes. Keep at it!
Basically a square with the corners cut off and some pillars spread around. Even a 1v1 map needs more than that. It is, however, a nice looking square so with more added to it you could have a decent map.
This is only in stage 1. I plan on adding more, I'm just not quite sure what or where yet. I am going to experiment and hopefully find something that works
As others have said, needs more height variation and beauty. Only thing its got going for you at the moment is its simplicity (which in any situation, simplicity is better). Add maybe an under path or a wrap around walkway or something to add some more routes and dynamics.
The map needs more cover and aesthetics right now it looks pretty plain and boring if you need more help with ideas message me on live.
I have a map that is more or less this concept with a border, I tested the v1, and it was good for 4v4. Just sayin'
Looks small for really anything except maybe 1v1, but it could serve as a great center or other piece in a larger map.
I am considering adding bridges on the outside in the same shape and putting the purple and next gen FX to make it an infection map. Sound good?
This just doesn't feel like an infection map. And those need to be much larger. Expanding is still a good idea though.