Barret is so much fun again. The people on the other team get so pissed off when they're just walking around and randomly die. I just wish it was possible to steady the acog scope on snipers for long range shots. In response to the BF3 vs MW3 argument, Battlefield games just make me angry because I have to fight against the enemies and the game itself. Every time I play a modern Warfare game with the exception of MW2 during the hacker craze I've had fun. I don't care if it's a very similar game because it's fun.
If I should make a Forge Hub clan on Elite, would enough people join? If anything, for the stat comparisons?
I think I made a Forge hub group already, but yeah, I'll definitely join a Forge Hub clan, provided I don't HAVE to have my clan tag as "FH"
Created, so please join. Search for "Forge Hub" in the Join a Clan screen. Also, there is a Forge_Hub group too. There's no requirements or anything if you dont want to bloo, but if anyone wants to represent, go ahead.
I think it's just one group. When I type in "forge" it only give one autocomplete option: Forge_Hub and when I try typing in a space it defaults to an underscore. I just found a forge hub clan if that's what you were referring to so I'll join that if I can figure out how.
The first you were referring to was the group, that bloo started and i referred to. The clan was what i made.
MW3: London - Viper Commentary (Y U NO 30 Killz?) - YouTube That feel when you're the only person on the entire site who gets any of these references because every single thing said in this video is referenced from an Irish TV show. And a ****ing funny one at that. Bear in mind, the guy doing the commentary IS one of the guys from said TV show.
I don't play MW3 but this montage/song is just awesome in my book. What do you guys think? BlakeMcTripleOG | MW3 F.F.A. Montage | Adamant - YouTube
ehh, the music was alright, I didnt like how he alternated between slow and fast speed so abruptly. Kills were good though. Also, NEED JUST 1 MORE WHO BOUGHT FOUNDER STATUS (and hasnt used their 500xp bonus in another clan) TO JOIN THE 'FORGE HUB' CLAN! pl0x
My opinions on this game: The Spec Ops Wave/ survival mode is beautiful. Taking the zombies style gameplay they've been hugely successful with and modernizing it for Modern Warfare went perfectly IMO. The missions this time around though feel lackluster/ overly difficult. In MW2, it was possible to complete all but the AC130 overwatch and the last three on 3 star difficulty by yourself. This time around it feels like ALL the missions were designed to be impossible to do solo. Online multiplayer. Personally this can be the most frustrating game in the world online simply for bullshit factor. What I mean by that is that the level of randomness that occurs during a game is out of control. The discrepancies between kill cams and what you saw on your end of the connection is utterly ridiculous, the levels are all waaaaaaaaaay too small for the number of people put in them with the amount of range the guns have. The number of levels where a sniper is actually useful in long range combat is very, very small compared to the last game. You cannot jump up onto anything in this game to get a vantage point. In conclusion, I feel like the levels at this point in time are way too small and create a huge sense of uncontrolled chaos. This chaos is also contributed too by the small levels creating a bad spawning system simply because you can't be more than 30 feet from an enemy once your boots hit the ground. It has been stated that this game feels like a pretty version of Duck Hunt; you run around with a gun trying to get points not caring about your team or the win, just yourself. There is no sense of team play in multiplayer, which is why I prefer Reach and BF3. That's my opinion.
So I just beat the campaign, after getting the game for Christmas. I am actually really surprised by how much I enjoyed it. IMO it's the best CoD campaign, and quite frankly one of the best FPS campaigns out there. This is the first CoD game to leave me wanting more after I beat it. I know it probably won't happen, but if IW put out single player DLC for this game I would buy it instantly. In terms of single player, they really outdid themselves and put their best foot forward.
It wasn't all on rails, but there were sections like that, of course. But honestly, what did you expect? I'm not using that as a lazy excuse as in "It's IW, it's what they do, deal with it and enjoy it." I can definitely see why people might not like that. I knew what to expect from the game and it delivered. My opinion may have been augmented by the fact that I just finished playing Skyrim for 80 hours, the antithesis to a linear, directed experience like CoD. Also I've never been to London, so... yeah.
If you play campaign for action rather than story MW3 is quite good. When I want a good story I read books. When I want to blow stuff up with an AC130, shoot down helicopters from a helicopter, have a firefight on an airplane, or one of many other things I play MW3. I'm not really one to like RPGs such as Skyrim anyways. I do admit the compactness of some of the maps makes parts of it a step down from MW2, however there are some maps like Downturn and Interchange that are large enough for a good game and promote teamwork.
Been playing multiplayer a bit. Around level 30 or something. Some maps are alright, but there are several that are just terrible. I remember IW talking about how they were taking the verticality element into consideration, and there are literally maps that are on a single plain with no stairs, ladders, or hills at all. At the moment, I'm only playing barebones because this game is a cluster**** even without killstreaks.