Created By: XBlackDarknessX Darkstar is a enclosed competitive map based on bunker/hill maps with one large hill with one turrent on the top and a little bunker under it. The map as a diffrent floor shape but under the floor is a little room perfect for hidding in with two tunnels along the side. the map is made for up to 6 players for slayer and team slayer. In team slayer you can do something such as control the hill fight over the bunker to see which team is the best are for slayer to see who comes out on the top. The large hill with the bunker under it. Inside of the bunker The room under the floor good for hidding in The front of the hole map with the odd shaped floor Behind the hill with the bunker under it. If you download please rate it and leave comments thanks! downloadmap
4/5 Okay firstly I want to say, you in the shoutbox with your Epic Newbness was a bad sign for me... But it looks like you have successfully redeemed yourself. This map looks absolutely superb! This is definitely a good specimen of what is possible in Foundry. The pictures definitely show a lot of hard work and time. The interlocking looks perfectly executed. It looks pristine and I would definitely link to a map looking like this if someone asked me what a map in Foundry should look like. Now the only problems I see with gameplay in this map is that there seems to be very little cover on the top areas of the map. I don't know how it would work up there because of the lack of cover, though it might be fine because of the trenches in the map, which do effectivly work as cover. Also, I don't like the look of all 3 power ups spawning on top of eachother, are they accessible? Because if they are that would be much to powerful for the map. Definitely a down side of the map. Take out the power-ups and perhaps just have on power-up there, or none at all? Put a bubble shield or power drain there instead. Certainly not all three at one spot. I think from what I can tell in the screenshots the map needs a little tweaking, saying this i have not played it yet so I can't be sure. I will certainly download this, it's going in the -Que- =]
I'd have to agree with reyn you shouldn't addvertise in the shoutbox, but the map seems pretty good, i like the interlocking, but i couldn't tell if your allowed under the map where i saw the overshield and invisibility combined
AAA BBB >>> <<< ^^^^^ advertised in shoutbox lolololol anyways, this doesn't look bad at all really, i love when people make those crazy floors, makes for funny gameplay, also there is lots of good interlocking, though some bad, but hey, noone is perfect...keep up the good work, and shh the self-map-thread-promotion-in-teh-shoutbooxen