Hello all, I suppose this is a relatively stupid question, since I have not seen anyone do it yet, but can you add a in game voice during each capture point in and Invasion Map? Example: After you recover the core, a voice tells you that you need to go to a different waypoint to escape? Thanks ahead of time.
Nope, unfortunately those callouts are exclusive to the official Invasion maps (Boneyard, Spire, Breakpoint, and Highlands).
Hmm, thats what i was afraid of. I guess i will just have to explain it in the presentation when I post it. Thanks James
I don't think it does, somebody please correct me if I'm wrong, because if I am wrong, I've been missing out because I love Highlands and I love invasion.
I haven't played the DLC playlists in a while, but last time I checked, it was in for BTB and Objective games. (Battle playlist)
Oh, I see you meant some have put invasion into Highlands canvas. But Highlands canvas doesn't support Invasion otherwise.. I suspect that if someone's map is placed into MM that 343i would add in the audibles using their Elite and Spartan voice talents.