This is a map I finished a while back but never did get around to putting on here. With nothing better to do at the moment, here it is! Marvelous! This map is larger than my others and is designed for 4v4 and up. Although, I suppose smaller parties would work out just fine. It's set half-way in the Asylum quarry and half way off the edge. There is a floor on the outer part, but there is also a soft kill zone, so don't fall down unless you have a Jet Pack! The map is slightly hard to traverse, being as Red Base is high than Blue Base, but there are plenty of ways up. The obvious downfall is that there are only two SAFE ways down, without AAs. The highlight of Red Base is that it's easy to defend, to an extent. However, if Blue Team were to rush en masse, then Red Base would easily be taken over. As stated earlier, Red Base is high than Blue Base. So, the way up from Blue Base is a series of lifts and man cannons, all easily accessible. Blue Base actually has a lot of space that it covers, vertically. The bottom level is accessed by jumping. From there, you have rockets, and three ways back up. Two of those ways send you back into Blue Base, the most obvious one will send you straight up to Red, and the Grenade Launcher spawn. Red Base features a lot of hiding spots and a lot of pieces mean limited LOS, but its also a good thing for Blue, since the Reds will need to be in the open to shoot them. I'm assuming most of the action will take place on the Red side, but Blue has lots of cover and weapons as well. There are spawns for every team color, so multi-team is definitely an option. And the weapons list: Spoiler Neutral Grenade Launcher, 5 spare clips, 180 sec Red Team Weapons Rocket Launcher x1, 0 spare clips, 180 sec Sniper Rifle x1, 0 spare clips, 120 sec Mounted Machinegun x2, 180 sec Shotgun x1, 1 spare clip, 180 sec DMR x3, 2 spare clips, 45 sec Needle Rifle x2, 2 spare clips, 45 sec Needler x2, 2 spare clips, 45 sec Plasma Pistol x2, 2 spare clips, 50 sec Magnum x2, 2 spare clips, 30 sec Healthpack x2, 40 sec Blue Team Weapons Rocket Launcher x1, 1 spare clip, 180 sec Sniper Rifle x1, 1 spare clip, 180 Shotgun x1, 2 spare clips, 180 sec Mounted Plasma Cannon x2, 180 sec DMR x4, 2 spare clips, 45 sec Needle Rifle x2, 2 spare clips, 45 sec Needler x2, 2 spare clips, 45 sec Plasma Pistol x1, 2 spare clips, 50 sec Magnum x2, 2 spare clips, 35 sec Assault Rifle x2, 1 spare clip, 45 sec Spiker x2, 2 spare clips, 40 sec Plasma Repeater x2, 2 spare clips, 45 sec Healthpack x2, 40 sec And now, for the pictures! Spoiler A shot of a Spartan flying from the central cannon in Blue Base. Here is an overview of Red Base that shows three of the power weapons. A side view of Red showing the same power weapons. And a shot of the rocket spawn at Red. Hint: it's under the pyramid piece. Here's Blue Base from afar. A close up of Blue. Here is Blue Base rocket spawn and the large lift that takes you straight to the Grenade Launcher. A shot looking down on Blue from the Grenade Launcher. The jump from Blue main to Blue Rockets, and all three lifts to get back up. Showing the two easy and safe ways back down to Blue.
I'm not quite sure how this map will play out but by the looks of it red has the dominate advantage. I know you tried to make it fair though out the map. People with jet pack are probably not going to move out into the open because they will be afraid of getting sniped, needled, etc. This would probably work better for one-flag because of the high-to-low layout of the map. The design of the map is very cool, but if you just took it into level playing field it might be more fair to the blue team. I'll try and get a game going on the and then relay back to you how it went, if I ever get a chance, lol. Added: I think those turrets on red base are not needed and can pose an advantage to red team. You should add, somehow, a teleporter in the middle safely allowing people to move up or down...but telepoter camping by ted team may be an issue for blue team if not put in the right spot.
When you're writing in blue on the images try to use a lighter blue or something with a bit more contrast. It's impossible to read some of the stuff you've written there. The height advantage red has is going to give them a huge advantage, especially because of the separation that will cause a general standoff. For asymmetric gametypes this might work well, but not for anything symmetric.
While it is set up for symmetrical game types, I was leaning toward asymmetrical to be used. I did play 1 flag on and slayer on it and they worked out pretty well. The main issue was the person spawning at BB may have a harder time of spawning safely if the other players aren't occupied. But since I did notice the majority of action happening on RB side, I can say that the issues with BB spawn were limited. Being spawn killed once is nothing in comparison to being spawn raped on The Cage or Pinnacle. [br][/br]Edited by merge: And I see what you mean with the blue font. It was bloody easy to read at full size. When scaled down, it's quite obvious that it's hard to see. I'll keep that in mind for the next time. If I ever label the weapon spawns again. As for the high advantage, BB has more weapons, and more ammo in those weapons to try and help counteract the reds. And as I said, I made this with asymmetric in mind.
This map looks a little cramped to me and even if you give blue team more ammo that snot going to make if fair because for one thing it is easier to shot upwards than it is to shot downward and also because from the red base you can see all of the red base but from the blue base you can barely see any of the red base.I would also like to say nice job with aesthetics
Haha, thanks for that last comment. I know where you're coming from. I did try out it with slayer, though, with three teams and it worked quite well. Maybe for 1 flag or 1 bomb or multi-team. But it is set up with a whole bunch of stuff, so take your pic, or don't play it at all. Thanks guys!