I'd like to introduce you to Paroxysm. Paroxysm is a small 2v2 map heavily inspired by Forerunner architecture. It houses multiple levels including a basement, balcony and beams that cross the middle of the map. There is a blue theme that is very noticeable throughout the map, using shield doors and lights (most structural pieces showcase this blue as well but are not depicted in the screenshots). Enjoy. Blue Spawn. Balcony. Entrance to basement, notice the ramp from the middle. Courtyard, middle of the map, notice camo. Hallway with lift, leading to rockets. Balcony with rockets, lift exit, and health pack below. Aesthetic Forerunner tower. Weapons List: Rocket Launcher x1 Shotgun x2 NR x2 DMR x4 Plasma Pistol x2 Plasma Grenades x4 Fragmentation Grenades x2 Powerup(s): Active Camo Thank you for viewing!
I like the way the map looks; however, it is incredibly unbalanced. blue team gets rockets in 5 seconds and it takes red team 15 seconds to get there. combine that with height advantage and blue team pretty much wins the match simply because they have the better spawn. again, the aesthetics look pretty cool, but it's very unbalanced. red team has no structures to take cover behind from the rockets. and the 2 shotguns will overpower the map completely, since most of the ways to get around are through tight hallways. This seems like it'll only work for 1-sided matches such as 1-flag and 1-bomb, much like High Ground. Only problem is Red Team isn't the one with the high ground. :/
Alright, I will try to post some more as soon as possible. I think I will move the Red spawn to the basement, and Rad and Blue could have a fight for the rockets. The hallways are rarely traveled, and the DMR is usually dominant over the shotgun. The blue team, however does not always control the map, the red team, in some scenarios prevails. When I update it I'm going to put almost all of the respawns on the basement and courtyard to further balance the map, but without making it too simple to overpower the opposing team. I really appreciate the feedback, thanks.
Even if Red Team sometimes gets the advantage, it's still unbalanced. You might want to consider moving the rocket spawn, or replacing it with a less dominant weapon and giving one to Red. Maybe a pair of GLs with 2 shots each?
I don't like having shield doors in Slayer maps, I can kind of feel a Tempest look going on here, but I learned something with 2v2 maps, test the hell out of them. Weapon placements are a huge contribution. Also, take the advice from forgehub if it doesn't sound too ridiculous.
Needs moar Warthogs. No, but seriously, listen to Shikarix. He kind of just said everything that needs to be said for improvement.
Don't worry about the shield doors. The only issue is when people camp them by jumping out to take a shot then moving back. Here they could only do that with a jetpack so it's not an issue. They're needed for the cover anyways. You should be more worried about what goat said than Shikarix.