What are some games you'd like to see remade? Not games you want a sequel to, but like actually remade (similar to halo: CE anniversary, or Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D). I would like to see an old playstation/sega game called Powerslave/Exhumed remade. It was really fun and i'd like to see it with a new graphics engine and with the new styled controllers (it came out before thumb sticks.) I'd also like to see Herc's Adventures remade it was a top down 3/4 view adventure game about the hercule's mythos.
Golden Sun Any Fire Emblem Game Mechwarrior 4 Mercs (I'd like to see it ported to a console, preferably Xbox 360) Sean O'Connor's: Critical Mass Quake 1 Mad Dash from the original Xbox Fable 1 The original Dark Orbit (ported to the Xbox 360 as well) Sabrewing 2 (the Wild Tangent space fighter game)
I know they're making them/thinking about making them, but I'm super keen for the Abe's Oddysee/Exoddus remakes. I loved those games when I had them on my old PC, and I will be stoked when they remake them in "2.5D", and the redrawn backgrounds would be awesome to see.
SW: Battlefront. And maybe Halo 2, I guess, to bring the graphics up to speed. As it is, it looks way to glossy. And dat multiplayer...
i agree i would love to see both battlefronts updated... and maybe with some new levels. at least get the dlc's added in. I think most of us would like to see halo 2 brought up to date. (and forge-able) Both my mom and I want to see morrowind updated and not just through mods haha. (also i'd be interested in them making the older games more like the newer ones with a more in depth line)