It's late, maybe. But too late?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by artifact123, Dec 20, 2011.

  1. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    Well people, here I am, trying for the hundreth time only to probably fail again. But maybe now people will listen. Alright, now people are complaining about Forge World being grey. Everyone hates it, but people rage for a while, and then come over it. I've hated Forge World since the beginning of Reach. You may be like: ''But then what are you here for?''. Well, the answer is simple: Forge. Remember at the beginning of Halo 3 and the start of Forge Hub? I wasn't there, but I can see the remains. In the Featured Section and Halo 3 Custom Content, in the beginning, people even barely forged on Foundry and Sanbox hadn't come out yet! People could make Maps with the standard ones by using Scenery to close off and trick the map flow a bit to create new Maps out of a old one. Now people make them for scratch. I really hate the grey and I hated the sand block on Sanbox too. Foundry could also get boring sometimes. Now I'm gonna ask you: Have you EVER tried to forge on the other Maps BESIDES Tempest? It seems impossible cause your pallette is limited. But thats the fun about it. You got less options to work with, so you gotta try hard to create more. Just like in Halo 3. Why don't you give it a good try? You could try making Invasion Maps for small parties, or Competitive Infection Maps in the styly you had in Halo 3(with added scenery and other stuff) or maybe make a serious Competetitive Map out of standard Maps. Come on people, please try it. If you do it good, it ends up good, it doesn't necessarily have to end up like a bunch of crates. Besides, there's no Structure, but there IS more Scenery. Try it, use your imagination! Use leftover ideas from Halo 3! Just try it! Please? It's kinda annoying that 99,5 % of maps posted here is on Forge World, 0,4 % on Tempest and 0,1 % on other maps. Please. I beg you. Save me from the grey. Save me...
  2. LD

    LD Ancient
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    Why should I forge on another map, where my capabilities to forge are very limited, instead of just using my imaginaton to forge colorful maps on Forge World, which is more than possible ..
  3. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    There is nothing wrong with Forge World. People complain about the grey but they wouldn't do that if they just sucked up the forerunner colour scheme. And besides, i'm pretty sure it takes a whole lot more talent to make a map that makes you forget about the grey than to just make a variant on another map.
  4. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Foundry was greenish-brown, Sandbox was brown, Forge World is gray. The color palette is necessarily limited because the objects have to work together aesthetically, and as of yet they don't have the ability to re-skin all the objects or change their color completely. It's fine though; there are ways to inject color and make interesting-looking maps, and in any case I like making and playing whole new creations, not just "Countdown with four extra crates" or whatever.
  5. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yeah, let's all just suck it up. You know what? Why put in colours at all? People should just have to face the fact that there are no colours. Bunch of whiners.
  6. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    Well, the palette in FW is a fore runner palette, and so if you don't know how to bend perception well, it will be very frustrating to try to build anything other than fore runner structures on FW.

    Ya, FW is gray, that is why my new map is on the Quarry, to use the flat green as a floor and add color. That is why I like using only some pieces that give off a earth tone color rather than gray color. That is why I like using the cliff walls to add color, and the sky and ocean for blue.

    There are too many maps that are totally enclosed and that gives you the feeling of gray a lot. I agree. But that is a problem of the imagination using what is available to achieve the desired outcome with color.

    Given what I have seen, I would not point the finger at FW, but at yourself.
    #6 MrGreenWithAGun, Dec 20, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2011
  7. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
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    Well, why not show us instead of telling us? Just telling people to make maps on other canvases won't necessarily inspire them, so if you think it is possible and worthwhile make a map yourself then post it. If it is as good as you say they can be you will attract a lot more attention than with just text. Currently this page is all gray, just like the maps you detest. Build something amazing and post some pictures, then you will be able to prove your point.
  8. ZipZapZop

    ZipZapZop Forerunner
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    In a way, I like the restrictions (such as color) imposed. It spawns creativity and ingenuity to represent structures with only gray and a few other colors at your disposal. Creativity and ingenuity are present to create something of quality, which might be lacking otherwise with unlimited resources. FX can alter the color of a map if you're truly desperate.
    #8 ZipZapZop, Dec 20, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2011
  9. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    The large amount of gray is the only reason maps don't look like a patchwork quilt. I'd rather have smooth looking gray maps than ones that look like a two year old's coloring book.
  10. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    People here are actually defending all the gray.
  11. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Windows? Windows are cool, because they let you see into the blue sky. Blue? Blue is a great color, it is one of the many that are available in the color scheme category, and with creative placement can go great with a wide array of pieces and colors. Colors? I like the color green. Green? That's the color of grass. Grass? There is a bunch of that that can be used to emphasize and beautify a map. Map? Maps should have plenty of neat features to add to the beauty. Beauty? Beauty can be found in the sky. Sky? You can see the sky through the windows. Windows? Windows are cool, because they let you see into the blue sky. Blue? Blue is a great color...
    #11 Jex Yoyo, Dec 20, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2011
  12. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    While I would agree that a large variety of colors would result in some creating very disconnected patch works of color as you say, a variety of color would have been helpful for those of us who know how to control our over indulgence in using them.

    Edited by merge:

    Well, gray is good - in moderation...
    #12 MrGreenWithAGun, Dec 20, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2011
  13. Silentraine

    Silentraine Forerunner

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    I just feel forge world 2.0 was created and geared toward more forerunnerish design themes since the beginning, to kind of take forgers back to the Halo: Combat Evolved days. Forerunner structures have always been blueish gray, gray, and tan,. A well designed forerunner theme or a map that uses the pieces in the best ways together as a palette really shines in my opinion. I believe thats why alot of people have came to just deal with the gray, sure some of us would love to design more covenant appearing maps or more human inspired environments.

    But in the end that still can be done with the gray regardless, just takes your imagination at times to really see what the designer is trying to create for us. I'm thankful just to have a forge system as complex as this on Halo, not many games have been successful when it has came down to putting there design programs within the game itself. We may not can recolor objects or hide them at times within a beautiful sandbox or skybox, but I feel in time we will get to do just that, maybe in Halo 4, maybe not.
  14. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yeah, because it forces us to use our imagination to create what we want. We need to use innovative ideas and techniques to add colour to our maps and that is what strengthens the Forge community, sharing our ideas and thoughts to make better and more interesting maps.

    I do enjoy forging on other maps, it takes the constraints from forge world such as limited colour and makes it 10 times harder. I need to use more imagination to create what I want as there is an extremely limited amount of objects to use. The pay off? Whole new map geometry that is never used, buildings that have never been seen in the forging community and actual objects that are not available on Forge World of Tempest. I recently saw a map on boneyard, it took the refinery building at the defenders end and made a whole new Team Slayer map out of it, it was great and looked completely different to nearly all of the maps posted on Forge Hub.
  15. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Because this totally not possible with different textures/colors for objects. Get a grip, dude.
    The pay off? A map that plays like **** and looks exactly like the original map but with a huge part cut off.

    Don't get me wrong, I get that limitations force creative thinking but you can take it a step too far. I guess I shouldn't argue against a site who also made a topic about how Reach's Forge mode was too accessible compared to the Halo 3 mode and how it would make it too easy for people to make maps.
    #15 Overdoziz, Dec 22, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2011

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