It may sound a little odd but I believe I can pull it off in a area of the canyon. Avalanche was very fun for vehicles but not for running it out so what if we have a pretty close style, just about two-thirds of the size? It won't be a remake because even avalanche has flaws to be surfaced out but it will resemble it much like Valhalla and coagulation. So, how does it sound?
Sounds interesting, just remember to work for a good layout/ flow more than just trying to look Avalanche inspired. I'd much rather play on a good original map than an average Avalanche spiritual successor. If you start working on it show it to me sometime!
Well, if it's not a remake, that rules out the grav lift and the bottomless pit. Avalanche was set up to where infantry could run through the middle, not around with the vehicles. I don't know if you're trying to change that, but if you want them to interact better, the map will need weapons to counter the vehicles, and more cover for infantry. I want to see this happen, but there are things you will need to include for it to work.
If you think you call pull it off well I guess it's worth a shot; I'd look into it, though maybe not soon as I seldom logon here... Alas I'm offtopic. Just try it and see your results.
I think I've seen someone try this in Hemmorhage already. It's probably better to make something (very) loosely inspired by avalanche than to make a bad remake.
I think it should be cool to have a different layout for Avalanche .... If you need my help here is my GT : Frenchys
No worries to those who do not want to see a avalanche remake. It will be inspired but it will remain different much like zealot and midship. There will be very similar points of power and styles but it will be more compressed and settled towards the improvement of infantry styled warfare yet settled for those for light vehicles (warthogs, ghosts, reverends, and mongeese). I doubt I would even bother with air and tanks for this map.
Its not odd , Both the island and the canyon could be used as a reimagination of either sidewinder or avalanche. But remakes are a different story completely, the natural geometry wont allow it without major sacrifices or use of rocks that ends up looking extremely sloppy, this goes for almost any remake using terrain. I however have always wanted a reimagination of both valhalla and avalanche, mostly because I prefer there bases to Blood gulchs,. I havent had much time myself to set down and design lately so im glad one of my friends has found the time, and you can always let me know if you want some help id be glad to help with it. Biggest issue I see with reimaginating Avalanche is definately the middle as others have brought up, Id say scrap the deathpit, and create a center structure that allows both infantry and vehicles a way through that remains balanced. After seeing you post this I immediately thought of using a bridge area like waterworks has between its bases, a higher ground on the left side for infantry that is well covered and over looks the lower ground to the right side that allows a way through. I recommend you keep the caves and other natural terrain within the territory your looking to provide open and not closed up, to provide more routes and natural feeling( Think Wayont ). Let me know when you start work on this would you sugar? I may have some ideas lined up for you.