[FONT="]Hey guys I am back with my next and latest map. It is call Run for your life 2 this is a remake of my Run for your life map. The reason why I remade was for the aesthetics so well I hope you guys enjoy it. [/FONT][FONT="]The overview of the map [/FONT][FONT="]Running in a pack is not the best idea, you will find out why when you play with friends [/FONT][FONT="] I will just show you. This is why, you will fall to your death [/FONT] This is the Hallway of no exit because you come in one way but don’t come out the other Here is the video to show you the whole map: YouTube - Halo reach Run for your life 2 (Indiana Jones)‏
Very nice looking map, especially at the neon-like ramp tunnels and the natural rock valleys. Get's a little dodgey around the soft kill barrier area with the banks, but is necessary for its function. I love the use of reach's various glitches and quirks like the underwater area and the sticky ceiling, but it can be confusing if players don't know what to do next. For all they know they could be faced with certain death in front of them, or the map is trying to trick them into death. Either way that hesitance may cost them their life, giving an unfair advantage to players who know the map well.
How do you place videos on a thread. Also beautiful map this is definately a map to play with lots of friends got my download
looks like a fun oddball map ill try it out. to me though i have seen a lot of Indiana Jones maps not to say yours is bad just saying there are a lot of them out there now try and make your own ideas and games those maps are the best in my opinion so good job on the map still all the same.
one of the funnest maps i ever played only bad part was you couldn't be an elite but thats not that bad
Very fun and unique i have not played anything like it before, has very good replay value with a group of friends. The only possible improvement I would suggest is to make it so it doesn't end when it gets down to one person, perhaps make it a team gametype as it was fun to watch people in death cam and either encourage or put them off. Asides from that a very good map.
Very fun, my friends and i have spent several hours trying to master this (we still haven't beat it) I made one of my own improvements that you may want to consider, and it handles armidillo's complaint. I created a platform high above the course with a kill barrier directly below it, respawn points and snipers and gave everyone two lives, so that one person can keep going by themselves. Also, when everyone is dead it is really fun to try to push each other off of the platform.
My friends and I love this map a lot. (We can't seem to beat the very end though...) Anyway, it's a great map, and congrats on making it. The only problem I see is when you come out of the underwater tunnel and get off the man cannon, you can glitch the map and get on top of the glass covers... Other than that, great map.
I will say, I was pleased with the other maps in your series and will download this. (As soon as my hardrive is fixed.) xP
This is how To embed a clip, right click on the actual video in youtube, and select "copy embed html" and paste said html in whatever post you want.