Does anyone know how betrayals work in Reach? It seems that every time I accidentally betray someone, I get booted, but when I get betrayed like 3 times in a row, I never get the prompt to boot anyone. WTF is going on? Is it random? If anyone knows please fill me in!
I don't think anyone knows for sure(Because I couldn't easily find an official source). But the rule of thumb I use (which I've gathered from snippets of old official sources and word of mouth) is Any damage done to a ally and especially killing a ally will increase the likelihood of been able to be booted which carry's on for every game and depending on this likelihood you could be booted in 1 betray if it's high or 3 betrays if it's low. And as for not been able to boot if they betray you more then 3 times, There was a glitch going around when you choose NOT to boot someone then they can boot you and your team as much as they want without getting boot prompt again. I dunno if it's been fixed.
Bungie has some worthless, overcomplicated system controlling betrayal booting that is illogical to the point of being random. The only solution is to play with a full team, or avoid any vehicle explosive weapon or any other one hit kill weapon that might enable you to betray a teammate.
I don't know, but even if it was less random than it is now, I doubt that there could be a system that punishes anyone who doesn't want to get booted. The players who mess around with me ( it's only occasional, but it's usually in games with all low ranking new players- it figures that someone who found the game fun and played it for some time wouldn't betray- it happened rarely in H3 because I was matched up with players of a similar skill) usually drop my shields until they get bored or damage a vehicle that they wanted. Vehicles don't quite have shields; they become deathtraps. A determined betrayer (fortunately I haven't noticed anyone who enjoyed it enough) could consistently make a team in any competitive playlist with previously even odds lose or quit without the slightest worry of being booted. If an enemy shoots a player while a teammate is trying to weaken the player and the teammate inadvertently kills the player with less than expected health, the kill goes to the enemy. They use ARs because there is no headshot possibility, nor is there aim assist against a teammate.
It has been my experience that if you have racked up some kills, then it won't let you get booted. But if the only kill you have thus far in the game is a betrayal, then they get the option to boot you. That has always been my experience. Can anyone confirm or deny this as their own?
Another factor is your tendency towards betrayals in previous games. For example, if you have 100000 betrayals in your MM history, you are more likely to get the option enabled for your opponents than if you merely had 10.
All of the following is second-hand information and/or personal experience, hence take it with a grain of salt: As has been stated, the more you're an asshole, aka the more you betray, the more likely it is your victims will get the boot prompt and vice versa, the less you assholerize (trying to verbify that is difficult), the less likely others will get the boot prompt for you. There is a running record of your betrayals and their frequency that is kept on a server somewhere and that is factored into the algorithm that determines boot prompting. (That was confirmed by Bungie post-Reach launch.) These next two tidbits are rumors that I have heard, whether they're true or not I have no idea: 1. How frequently you forgive people of their betrayals against you plays into a factor of how often people get the prompt for when you betray. (This one I think I believe to an extent). 2. I have been told that the XBL profile's rating of the betrayer is taken as a small factor into the algorithm that determines boot prompting. (I don't think I believe this because that system is so flawed and is completely separate from Bungie.)
The closest thing I've seen to reality is just three strikes a day period no exceptions. I may go betray some people just to try this out.
I think it should just be a three strikes system. If you betray three people in one game, you're automatically booted. That way it's fair and consistent.
Then again if everyone knows about this then people will just betray a teammate twice per game. Maybe friendly fire should be removed all together.
Right side theory, are you sure about the plasma launcher since the plasma shot has an area of effect.