UPDATE: Equality now supports one-sided objective based games. I have also made my own gametypes for these variants listed below: Equality Flag Equality Bomb Welcome, hubbers, to Equality. Equality is a small map designed for 1v1 or 2v2 tactical scirmishes. When playing with a partner, teamwork is your grestest weapon, and becoming a lone wolf will be your downfall. Communicate, plan, and flank. I took much inspiration from ConfusedFlamingo's map, Ark. Equality also uses a slightly modified version of Ark's gametype, though it still works perfectly fine with standard slayer gametypes. Weapons: Equality's weapon layout is fairly simple, as it consists of only two weapons; The glorious DMR, and the destructor of sheilds, the Concussion Rifle. There are two Concussion Rifles. You're probably thinking, "Two?!?! That's unheard of on such a small map!" Actually, they are quite balanced. Either team has equal opprotunity to BOTH off the initial spawn, aswell. Zero clips and a high respawn time also helps... (145 seconds) There are four DMR's with zero clips and the standard respawn time. With each DMR lies a single grenade (two plasma and two frags). The Gametype: Equality uses the Gametype "Equality Slayer." Here are some specs: Score: 25 Primary Weapon: DMR Secondary Weapon: None Melee Modifier: 75% Equipment: Sprint 'Nade Count: 1x Plasma Player Speed/Jump Hight: 110% Motion tracker: Off Waypoint: Visible to Allies Custom Powerup: Duration: 30 Seconds Motion Tracker: On/Enhanced/25 Meters Forge Candy Spot: Forge Candy Ep. 5: Equality by BuffetSugar - YouTube On to the screenshots: ^Red Spawn^ Well that's it. I hope you enjoy it! Oh! Please comment and critique!
This map looks amazing. The way it looks and the design are great. And at the same time, it successfully breaks one of the rules of grav lift travel flawlessly. Great job!
Thanks! I'm glad you like it. Although, I'm pretty confused on what you meant by that last sentence...
Normally you want to use a grav lift to get somewhere fast but this one takes you slowly. Though rewarding, there is risk involved. Its a risk vs reward situation and its a good thing.
The first thing I thought when I saw this was "That looks like ark with more complicated floor patterns." The second thing I thought was "Why on earth did he use white text." because I can't see it on the light skin.
@ EpicChief117, It just seemed right, haha. I've been capped quite a bit trying to get the C-Pu. I knew about risk vs. reward, but didn't intend for it to work out so well. @ Pyro, Once again, I am confused on your meaning... aha.
I see what you did thar. Anyway, this map looks fantastic. I like what you did with the floor patterns and the fact that you used windows for the railings. The only things I can say I don't like are the incredibly large glass wall and the large LoS.
Downloaded. Let u know more after a playthrough. *EDIT* Ok so after a playthrough here are my thoughts. I think u have a very good layout of the map and good weapon setup. I would maybe add a few more respawn points as u only have i think 14. i didnt look at respawn zones for team games but that is also something to consider. Something important to note is that there are certain areas on the map where u can lose grenades thru holes in the ground. For example to the right of red base where the windows are. When u walk to the last large brace u have there is a slight gap where nades fell thru. Theres another spot i think where the red concussion rifle is that has the same problem. You should run around the edges of the map and close any gaps. Also u should extend the soft kill zones by about 3 units or so because with the jet pack u can land on the above blocks and lean over the edge without being affected by the soft kill zone. That or just change it to a regular kill zone. i think thats about all i noticed on my playthru. i enjoyed the map. a lot of good aesthetics and i like the floor pattern with the blocks a lot. that and the view of forge world thru the windows. Nice job.
Some really coo aesthetics applied into this map, I really like it. I do think it would even play well with bigger games so think about making a different version that is bigger for 4 on 4 slayer games. I like the pillars at the top, but is there a jetpack to get up to them. I think it would be cool if you could fly up on the pillars. Overall great map!
@ wpcubs, I tried a 3v3 which played well, but it's not ideal. As for the pillars on top, there are soft kill barriers for regular slayer.