
Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Pounours, Dec 17, 2011.

  1. Pounours

    Pounours Forerunner

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    Salut à tous, un nouveau mini-game pour vous ! Le principe est très simple et exploite les propriétés du lance-plasma associées aux portes boucliers.
    2 équipes s'affrontent sur ce qui ressemble à un grand terrain de tennis, le but étant de faire rebondir les boules plasma sur les boucliers pour atteindre le camp adverse et donc de marquer des points en tuant les joueurs d'en face.
    Un ascenseur anti-gravité est également présent dans chaque camp. Combiné au magnum, il offre une autre alternative de frag, mais attention il est placé dans une zone de frag limitée, le temps vous est compté.
    Dans cette même zone ce trouve un power-up perso actif toute les 30 secondes.
    Passons aux screens.

    Visionnez la vidéo pour avoir un bon aperçu. A +.


  2. Poolio

    Poolio Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    + The help of Google translate-
    Hi all, a new mini-game for you! The principle is very simple and exploits the properties of the plasma launcher attached to door shields.
    2 teams compete in what looks like a large tennis court, in order to bounce the balls on the plasma shields to reach the other side and then to score points by killing players over there.
    A lift anti-gravity is also present in each camp. Combined with the magnum, it offers an alternative to frag, but beware it is placed in an area of ​​frag limited, time is ticking.
    In the same area that is a power-up personal assets every 30 seconds.
    Time to screens.

    Watch the video to get a good overview. A +.
  3. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Luckily I've had French for 4 years so I didn't need any translation services. But thanks anyway Poolio :)
    lol I should actually reply in Dutch to mix it up even more :p

    I like how this minigame works, it reminds me of both Pong Slayer, another minigame you can find on ForgeHub, which made very good use of the grenade launcher, and Plasmaball, where you fly around in a cube and shoot each other with the plasma launcher, which usually results in dozens of stickies bouncing against the walls and randomly killling the players. However, this is definitely original and I can imagine how crazy it could be if you would play with a full party of 16. You did a good job on the aesthetics as well, and the oneway shields seem functional. Overall a very good job, keep forging!
    Très bien.
    #3 REMkings, Dec 18, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2011

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