Remember this ?..... MORE PICTURES !!! So its desing by Swils and forged by Frenchys . Its ready to test so maybe you will see this during a Testing lobby . IM REBUILDING IT WITHOUT ANGLED BRACE AND WITH MORE WALKWAY AND ROOM . Here is a picture of the midle and MORE PICTURES DOWN !!!! That's it ! IM REBUILDING IT WITHOUT ANGLED BRACE AND WITH MORE WALKWAY AND ROOM .
Wow! There I am thinking Sketchup is a shitty program, just don't know how to use it I guess. Def. downloading when released.
Why are there 12 pictures of the sketchup design and only one of the actual map? Things look much better in forge than sketchup. From what I can see in your one picture of the map though it's very different from the sketchup design.
I dont know if you read the whole post .... but i said why : This is design by Swils24 3 years ago for halo 3 and i made it for reach 2 weeks ago . I know that it doesn't look like the sketch up desing so im going to rebuild it .
I might head into High Noon to make this, just for the sand/rock peices avalible in that level. I really wanted to make a Lava Pit remake on that map too, but alas, no vehicles.
I honestly remember this vaguely back in the days of Halo 3 for the soul reason of that sexy half pipe roof and curved column thingos in the bases. In the one pic you've showed us Im really not digging those angled brace, larges. The columns looked better.
I know but its really open on the top mid .... so i added some brace . But anyway i'm rebuilding it without angled brace .
I really like the Sandbox sketchup, but the transition to reach doesn't give the same atmostphere. It's going to be hard to make the design exactly as it was back then, but you also might need to consider the changes in gameplay. I'm guessing this is just a 2v2 map? as the playspace at the moment seems very small.
It probably wasn't too wise to do an exact build of this sketchup. It isn't exactly a great design, and the only redeeming factor it had/has is the ceiling, which is much less impressive in Reach. If I were you, I'd take aspects of the design that you like and try to come up with something a bit better.