
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by timmypanic, Dec 16, 2011.

  1. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hello all welcome to my latest map.
    I forged this last night and as my xbox live is about to run out I posted 2 of the maps I have ready. This map is based off a picture I downloaded, titled Babylon. I have made many changes to the map to make this playable. I really like the layout and everyone I have shown has liked the map.

    weapons: 10 x dmr - 12
    2 x assault rifle
    2 x needler
    2 x needler rifle
    2 x shot gun 90 s
    1 x rockets 120 s no clips
    1 x sniper (top building) 180 + 1 clip








    Ok that's me done for now... I will keep working on my maps, I have a number ready for testing/publishing once I find the time.

    Comments and feedback greatly appreciated. Thanks for looking :)
    #1 timmypanic, Dec 16, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2011
  2. Goat

    Goat Rock Paper Scissors Scrap
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Why isn't this map set up for Invasion? It looks like it'd play pretty well
    #2 Goat, Dec 16, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2011
  3. Landderp

    Landderp Forerunner
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    For the love of god why is there only one other comment. This map looks amazing, As usual your aesthetics are top notch. Like Goat mentioned before me is there any reason this isn't set for invasion? Other than that all i can say is wow damn ****ing awsome.
  4. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
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    Sweet Baby Jesus, throw some Invasion in there! Though the layout seems purpously for Aesthetics, it would be real fun for competitive gametypes.
    Oh and i should be online within a couple of days. Probably with a new GT
  5. SimJiv

    SimJiv Forerunner

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    This was extremely cool. I kinda agrees with comments above, make it available with Invasion!
  6. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks, appreciated comments.
    I did have a plan on the invasion, appologies for not adding it yet. I will put some time in later and make invasion. I was thinking how to get budget for doorways for different stages, I think there is 400 left to work with.
  7. Southern

    Southern Forerunner

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    The only problem I can see for Invasion would be how there's only one way into the castle. (from the pictures, can't DL) If you could fix that, then yes, do it!
  8. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    This map can be broken within the first two seconds of the game. This was easy by the fact that the map appears to have absolutely no kill zones (you can also get vehicles outside the map). The main structure composed of tower 3 stories just seems way too tight to do anything positive for gameplay. Vehicle gameplay is lacking a complete circuit and the towers that you can get into way up high are way too overpowered.

    Also, Invasion would never perform well with a map like this. The fact that it's symmetric should've given it away that Invasion wouldn't be a wise game choice.
    #8 NlBBS, Dec 16, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2011
  9. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Invasion shouldn't be "thrown onto" any map. Invasion is the most complex game type in Reach and must be designed around to work well.

    While this does look very nice, especially the archway, this looks like an aesthetic map with gameplay forced onto it. It might play alright, but if you want a map that can be played on plan it from the beginning, especially for invasion.

    AMALGAMATIQN Forerunner

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    This map looks like it would work well for Invasion... if you could set that up, then it would be an even greater map.
  11. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Although i agree in some ways... Its good to have some variety.. Something i need in my maps also.
  12. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I know invasion can't be just thrown together and takes a lot of testing and good objectives that are challenging but possible. I wouldn't say gametypes are my strong point and the invasion I quickly set up although working doesn't seem to have much tact. The map was designed as a medium sized 4 v 4. The layout is fairly good and I am please with how I made the ways around and kept as neat as possible. In gametypes on this map I am sure some tweeking will help. I wont release update untill I am happy with testing. Hopefully I will be able to run a custom shortly. the map is of a fortress nature so I don't see how I would be forcing gameplay as it is definitly battle orientated.

    Edited by merge:

    I did add soft kill zones to upper areas that are accessible with jet packing. I guess thats how you mean break? I have no idea how vehicals can escape map too. The only vantage area of any use is at a fairly high position with no cover unless you go into soft kill zone. I am working on an update and I will add the safe zone.

    Many asked for invasion, more than said against, I was happy using as slayer , territories and koth as I feel they suit this map best.

    Thanks for feedback
    #12 timmypanic, Dec 16, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2011

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