My friend at my Art College recently made a trailer for a movie that he was considering making into a full length film here for his final project, but he said that he wasnt sure he was going to make it if there wasn't enough interest in the project to begin with. Based from the trailer, I find the film to be very interesting and I really hope that he would make it into a full film, he has a lot of talent. So, if you could, could you watch this trailer and give him your opinions on it? It doesn't even necessarily be positive, give him some negative critiques if you like, but to have a film with this potential fade away would just seem a shame to me. Helmsdale Trailer
What do you mean by full length film? If you mean something like a normal movie, I can see why he doesn't feel like doing in. That would take a lot of time, commitment, and resources. Although it doesn't look like anything I would watch but that's just because of personal preferences. I say go ahead with it if he can.
Well, he had made this short preview as a final project for his Fall Semester, but then he would have a full 5 months to do the entire film for his final project for spring semester, which would allow him plenty of time to do filming. As for the budget, all of the actors are his friends and family, and he doesnt really have any expenses such as editing or CGI people, he does all the editing himself. All that really stops him from making a full film is his own desire to do it.
I think it looked pretty professional. I think he should go with it. Could use the camera shaking a little less, though.
i thought it was pretty cool. reminds me of this ****ed up fake snuff film called August Underground (do NOT watch) the problem i had with the trailer is that for the first 75% of it, it felt more just like a music video for the song than a trailer. it wasnt until the dialog came that i actually felt like i was watching something more than a music video. idk if thats just me, but its just the vibe i got from it. i'd rather there was some dialog over the music in the beginning as the establishing shots of the town are happening, where maybe you are hearing the 2 friends talking about their sweet plan to shoot that dude or something. or maybe its like you're hearing a news report. many options.
Well, the plot of the film goes along the lines of where the director (my friend) in the film, is cheated on by his girlfriend with the guy tied in the chair. However, the entire group is a film company, and the guy who slept with his girlfriend is a fellow actor. So the director kind of beats up the guy who slept with his girlfriend, ties him up, and tells the other actors that they are shooting a scene for a new movie, which includes an execution. So, without knowing, the actor shoots the other actor in the head, not knowing its a real gun, and then the movie goes on from there where the director gets revenge on all of his former friends for allowing his girlfriend to cheat on them by sending them to jail for murder. Or, at least that is my idea of the plot that he told to me And yes, I do agree with the music video thing, I think that he wanted the music to set the mood more than the actual plot for the beginning parts, however.
I was sad because it was so good until the last bit where it dropped to a 12 year old acting level with bad sound effects.
That sounds like an interesting plot, although it would be challenging to execute. I don't know a whole lot about film development... but I think it looks alright. I hope the acting is good though.