Circumscribe V3.0

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by SuperCoolHerb, Dec 15, 2011.

  1. SuperCoolHerb

    SuperCoolHerb Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Circumscribe is a symmetrical map that fits 2-8 players. There are 3 levels to the map. Red and Blue bases are on the main floor, the largest section of the map is the bottom floor with rockets and lifts to the left of each base, and a small third floor on each base where most objectives will be scored.
    Weapons On Map:
    4x DMRs -30 second respawn, 2 spare clips, max count 6
    2x Needle Rifles -30 second respawn, 2 spare clips, max count 6
    2x Needlers -60 second respawn, 1 spare clip, max count 4
    2x Plasma Pistols-30 second respawn, max count 4
    1x Shotgun-150 second respawn, 0 spare clips, max count 2
    1x Rocket Launcher-180 second respawn, 0 spare clips, max count 2
    2x Sniper Rifles-120 second respawn, 1 spare clip, max count 2
    2x Magnums-30 second respawn, 2 spare clips, max count 6
    4x Frag Grenades-20 second respawn, max count 8
    2x plasma grenades-20 second respawn, max count 4

    Best to watch in 720P but the quality is still a little....shaky
    Halo Reach Custom Map: Circumscribe Walkthrough - YouTube

    Initial Red Loadout Cam. You can see the DMR that spawns in the base, rockets in bottom hallway and shotgun on the top bridge.

    Blue Initial Loadout. Note the lift to the third floor and DMR in the base.

    Neutral Loadout Cam and a good overview of the map.

    Red Grenades and Needle rifle spawn to the right of the red base. Note the rock jump into red base.

    Red Sniper Spawn

    Red Lifts. Left leads towards Red Snipe, right takes you directly into red main base. Note the plasma pistol between the lifts.

    Rocket Hallway. This is the lower level of the map in the center. Windows are next to rockets so all players can see when they spawn. Odds are this is where you'll be sprinting to when the game starts.

    Top of Red Base. This is the small third floor with sight lines on the red side of the map. Note the needler and the fact that two opposing players on the third floor of red and blue bases share a direct line of sight with each other.

    Overview of Blue Snipe. Similar to the loadout cam this helps give some perspective on the layout of the map.

    Green Team Initial spawn. This is directly underneath Blue Snipe. Note the DMR as well as the health pack on the wall. Orange team spawns in the same place but on the red side of the map.

    Rocket Hall to Blue Base. Left takes you to the magnum as well as grenades and right leads to the lifts.

    Blue Grenades and Needle Rifle. Same as on the red side but taken from an angle on the second floor.

    Any constructive feedback is greatly appreciated. I also have not playtested this map yet. If you want to help me test it please send me a message either on this thread or through live and I'll set up a date and time when there are enough people. My gamertag is HaloChief67. Thanks in advance!
    #1 SuperCoolHerb, Dec 15, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2011
  2. Southern

    Southern Forerunner

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    As long as there's no framerate lag, this map is great, but I'd get rid of the kill ball. It's just ugly, and it's not serving any practical purpose. Otherwise, it's a solid map, I'll try to get a game on it ASAP, and let you know how it goes.
  3. SuperCoolHerb

    SuperCoolHerb Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Yea i was thinking the same thing...of course after i posted it. It was supposed to be some "power supply" for the satellites or something. Thanks for your feedback. Also i updated the link because there was a problem with safe zones and objectives so that should be fixed now.
  4. bullet2thehead9

    bullet2thehead9 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    From the game we played on it I have to say this is a very solid map with great gameplay the only thing I wasn't a big fan of was the lack of cover in some spots on the lowest level near the man cannons the spawning seemed fine and the LoS are great which lead to crazy cross mapping DMR duels with SkintSNIPER 262,you and me. Besides that this is a really great map
    #4 bullet2thehead9, Jan 15, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2012

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