Hey everyone, this place has some awesome maps, and is a great idea- I've also lurked it for a little bit so hear me out, I'm not a complete noob. I've forged for awhile, so I know the in's and out's and know not to overdo it and get carried away, etc. Also, I play alot with people who arent good, split screen, and they dont like the giant levels where they get snipped, so I thought I'd make a well rounded smaller level. The map is called phenomenade, something funny I heard a friend once say during some intense gaming (that's when the best jibberish comes out!) This map is a smaller map, my first small forge world edit, and is a team slayer/slayer deathmatch map. It is a 2 player min, 12 player maximum, 3 team map. The level has balanced weapons (imo.), lined up objects, nice use of natural elements, and all the weapon time spawns are good. (<- pretty important haha, I hate finding good maps that you have to edit for that reason.) Any suggestions would be appreciated, also, anybody who wants to link me a level that is similar to mine, feel free, it would be much appreciated! Edited by merge: I should also mention, there were some pretty cool flukey lighting effects that managed to happen in some areas. This was made in the lagoon, and there is one spot in the corner where the sword is, where when you walk towards it, the room lights up, but if you are far away, the light turns off. The room looks cool lit up too, because its in this area where there is some grass from the tin cups, and a rock. (classic aha.) If anybody wants to open my map up and use the effect for themselves if they can figure it out, feel free. The level is similar in weapon styles to the cage (not similar in layout however at all.) There is: 4 dmrs 1 sniper rifle 1 shotgun 4 plasma pistols (far from the dmrs. In classic/standard spots.) lots of plasma grenades/ frag grenades 1 grenade launcher 1 plasma launcher 2 magnums, 3 needlers 1 sword 3 needle rifles ---------------------- Grenade launcher around the bend ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sniper rifle in the rock archway. Again, this level was made for playability, and while aesthetics were in mind, I didn`t want to spend too much time on those.
You have twenty four (24) hours to make this post up to Forge Hub standards. These standards include: A thread thumbnail showing your map A description Pictures (at least 3 recommended) Any other information you would like to include A screenshot posting guide is found at the link below. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-reach-custom-content/104926-how-post-screenshots.html ANY POST STATING THIS THREAD IS NOT UP TO STANDARDS WILL BE TREATED AS SPAM FROM THIS POINT FURTHER
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. Although, there is still the original issue that I encountered while trying to upload the pictures onto my fileshare in the first place, the issue that made me not bother. It says "the file was made offline and cannot be uploaded." I googled the issue, and no one had any help. Im sure the link you sent (the "help uploading screenshots" thread.) But i read a couple pages, and you cannot possibly expect me to go through 61 pages or whatever it is hoping to find the error message. Any body have any suggestions? Ill get my level up to standards as soon as I have it figured out. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Nvm, just got it. I was taking screenshots from a forge edit session, thats why it was giving me the error msg. Screenshots on the way.
were you on "local" mode by any chance while taking the screenshots? if so, maybe thats why it says they were offline?
So let me get this straight... You can upload the map to your fileshare but not the screenshots? That doesn't make sense. But you don't need to upload the screenshots to fileshare anyways. When you take the photo, it will be in your "Recent Screenshot" list on B.net. So when you go to B.NET and look at your stats, on the left side of the screen (where all of the links are) under fileshare it will say "Recent Screenshots." All of your most recent screenshots (duh!) will be through that link. Looking at your RS myself, you only have three photos of this map. You should consider getting photos of both spawns (just one spawn if they look the same), an overview (if possible), a shot of each unique trait to your map (look at mine for inspiration), shots of the power weapon spawns and if you want, a few action shots. Although I feel those distract from seeing the map. Just fly around the map and take the photos, naming them so they're easy to find. Then go to your stats on B.net and click your "recent screenshots" link and they will all be there. From there, you can save them to your computer and upload them to Photobucket to imbed in your threads. For ease of finding that link, I am providing it below: Legiterus's Recent Screenshots Good luck!
Follow the guide Bloo Jay showed you. There's a few photo sharing sites, but I'd use Photobucket. It's really simple, all you do is make an account, then in three clicks you have a photo ready to be posted. The map description, however, seems good. You say you know the feel of a good map, so I'm setting the standards a little higher. I'll DL and post back again tomorrow when I get LIVE back.
There should be an "edit" button somewhere on the first post (your post at the very top) where you can change the text and add/remove items such as photos.
Yeah, I already posted that I solved the problem. I appreciate the help, but the problem was the "this was made offline-" message. I figured it out though, its cuz I went to the theatre to take snapshots, and i loaded the forge editing session in the theatre, that's why it didnt work. I made a custom game with the map then took snapshots and it worked. If this wasnt the real solution, w/e, I might have fluked my way passed the issue haha. More screenshots to come. Also, the link aquarian provided of the screenshots was given after I had figured it out, so I may had seemed pretty dumb. Before that, there were no screenshots, and the only one it was showing was this one I took months ago. Edited by merge: Btw aquarian, im not retarded, haha "your first post, you know, the one at the top..". Actually, it gives the option to edit the fine details like pictures only if you click "advanced". Thats why I hadn't figured it out right away, I simply clicked edit and was not given any options to edit the pictures.
Sorry, lol. I didn't say you were retarded, I was just really trying to help you get this fixed. Don't want to see someone get in trouble because it's missing a few simple screenshots.
Its ok haha I could tell you were trying to help, and you did, it was just funny because you were one step behind while you were helping so it looked like I was blind. (As in you saw me complain of picture complications, so you go check out my screenshots and see they are already there, but only cuz I had just uploaded them.)
Well I see that now the screenshot issues are over with, let me comment on the map itself. I like it, it has a very similar style to the maps I create and like to play on, though it seems a little open in some areas, especially for DMR starts (I don't play that in customs anyways.) I like the overall layout, but I think some places may not have enough ways to access them, like the grenade launcher spawn, and maybe some more cover could be added in general (like on the floor, or near that turret, people gonna want somewhere to run away after using that turret.) I'll dl it and check it out a bit more. Edit: After looking the map over, I think it's definitely got some things going on for it, reminds me of more classic H1 maps, fun but not without flaws. The center area is definitely open (no one's going to go in for that shotgun,) some more cover that doesn't conflict too much with turrets' lines of sight might make it a little less of a deathtrap. But otherwise, movement around the sides seems relatively easy, the tower pieces providing good cover and access to the upper level, but there's no real connection to the red team side, besides running out of cover to get up the ramps (past the GL and PL spawns on either side.) The plasma launcher spawn is another thing, as there's really only one good way into the bunker, that might kinda stifle the movement to it. I'd suggest pulling it out a bit from the wall and lowering it a few coordinates for easier access, and as a plus it'll help be cover for that side's ramp. Also what's up with the 160 sec spawn times on all the weapons, even the grenades? They should be changed up a bit to be varied with the weapon. And all of your grenades are set to be fixed, and while you don't really want them rolling around on you, that also means a player with full of that grenade type will bump into them, something a little undesirable in gameplay. Overall, the upper levels are good, turret placements are good, weapons are weird, and the flow might need some work, and might need some tweaking but still very playable. I look forward to future versions of the map, if any.
Oh, yeah I guess that's why ive noticed some weird problems from time to time, I didnt know setting the objects to fixed messes with it. (running into them, floating weapons.) damn, I guess grenades won't be standing up straight anymore then haha. Also, I'll fix the spawn times, usually I have snipers and stuff at 180. Also, the idea of pulling out the bunker, and possibly modding it to provide some cover for that side's ramp is pretty good, will definitely do something with that- thanks for the suggestions.
I'm sort of confused? Did you say you were tired of large maps where you got sniped all the time are just large maps in general? Although this is not a large map, it's not small either, it's right on the edge of a medium map and a large map (IMO). Either way though, this is not a bad map, but it's not really my style either. I don't really have any constructional criticism either, sorry. Just keep up the hard work on your maps.
The biggest problem you have here is that the center of the map is so flat. Having a flat base level with connected platforms and walkways above it can work but in this case there's not much to do in the center of the map. This is one of those things you have to be extremely careful about when using coliseum walls because the map tends to end up flat which makes gameplay stale. Another effect of this is that anything placed in the center area looks out of place because it's just sitting on a flat floor. Height variations with slopes and more than just platforms makes gameplay interesting and that's completely lacking here.