Please feel free to download, play test, and critique my map. Your feedback is highly important to any development process. Map Breakdown: Dead Stop is designed to support all standard game types except invasion, race and griffball. The map is two team based with equal weapon distribution, and weighted respawn zones to deter spawn killing. Intended for team sizes 2-6; however a full 16 player game is accommodated quite well. Stealth, close quarter combat, and team support is the main strategy on this map with specific areas to take advantage of an unwitting enemies. Dead Stop is constructed upon forge world, and is comprising of 2 levels supported by multiple routes towards an elevated center. Flow of the game often motions towards four general areas and objectives. Back Story: During the covenant assault of New Mombasa many civilians took shelter in the underground tunnels of the city's subways, unfortunately with covenant death squad hot on their heels many didn't survive. Spartan support teams were shortly sent in the liberate the refugees and eliminate any threats found. Weapons: 1 snipers - 8 shots--- spawn time 160 1 Sword - spawn time 160 1 grenade launcher - 5 shots---spawn time 160 1 concussion rifle - 12 shots---spawn time 160 2 Shotgun - 12 shots---- spawn time 160 2 magnums 6 DMRS 2 Needle Rifles 2 plasma pistols 8 frags grenades 8 plasma grenads 4 Assault rifles Download & Enjoy:
looks great. may be the killbal is out of context but the anbientacion looks good. but is symetrical and is very common see maps of theis kind.
It has its flaws. First, the thing in the middle, made out of the walkway cover, has potential z-fighting on the sides. Also, don't use premade buildings as premade buildings. You can make so much better with different pieces. And, Sylux is right on with the killball. Get rid of it.
I agree with SYLUX; the aesthetics are really amazing, but the Kill Ball is somewhat strange just looming over the train...
After going over the reviews on this and other forums, I agree with the feedback about the top area of map and have made some needed updates. These changes were in efforts to further a cohesive theme throughout map, and encourage an undisturbed flow of the game. Thanks again for any and all feedback, as it is highly important to any development process. **Updates** Some aesthetic additions were implemented to the middle: the over powering rocket launcher was replaced with a sword to balance the weapons on the map; Respawn zones were also reweighed. New middle: [bungievid]25457152[/bungievid]