Macy's Believe is a fundraiser for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Every one letter up to a million letters equals one dollar donated to the Make-A-Wish Foundation. The Make-A-Wish Foundation is a great charity, and I personally have experience with them, not only as a recipient, but as a spokesperson. Macy's Believe is a simple process: Write a letter to Santa Claus Go to your nearest Macy's, and put it in the big red mailbox. Simple, and easy, and who knows? You might just save a life. You might not believe in Santa Claus anymore, but bringing out the child in you won't hurt a bit, will it? Currently, we're at: 576,861 Letters! (Maybe more by the time I check again)
I donated a toy to Chipotle and got a free burrito. I'll make sure to send a letter! But still.... free burritos are awesome.
I would totally do this if I didn't have to drive an hour to get to the nearest Macy's. Curse you Wyoming and your vast distances between civilization!!!!1
Dear Santa, I've been a very good boy this year . For Christmas, I would like 2 hookers and a 30 rack. -Your favorite little boy Melty
After reading about how Macy's as been exploiting child labor in third world countries, this comes off as a ploy of innocence to me, but I'll do it anyways. Gotta help dem cancer kids.
Yeah, like I said, I'll do it anyways, but it still bothers me. They're making billions of dollars of profit on dirty gold, and to give back, they give a few million to the make a wish foundation, which is a great and all, but it's like they're feeding people this charitable bullshit while they continue with their dirty work. They do this stuff so that people who want to reveal these slave-like practices will feel guilty. I don't like it one bit.
Agreed. Behold the magnificent/disgusting science of PR. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. I would just think of it as my way of participating in stealing back from the greedy practices. Think of yourself as Robin Hood for cancer.