Cataract Cataract Is a Co-forge between me, Seven oh Three and Hikarux. It began when Seven and I saw this map that Hikaru had thrown up in forge. the forging was terrible and it was ugly as sin, but there were areas that we both really liked so we asked him if we could co-forge it. A week or so later when Seven, Hikaru and I had no real other projects underway we began work on the first version of this. The first few versions were stupidly maze-like and as a result none of us were truly happy with it, so we swept it under the rug and left it for a while. A week or two later We loaded it back up with fresh ideas on how to improve it while still staying true to the original design. Eventually we got it to the stage where we were all happy with it and wouldn't feel like scrubs releasing it. Cataract was born. Weapons: 1x Blainer 1x Grenade Launcher 1x Green Gun 2x Magnum and some DMR's and shiz Gametypes: - KOTH - SLAYER Screen shots: Middle atrium Blue Mag GL Enjoy Muthaflippers.
I'm not sure how I feel about being able to see from one stair case to another. But I'll have a look into it, thanks.
looks cool, but maybe you could make the grass area some more intresting by putting down some weapons like grenades or something...
The waterfall looks awesome. You rarely see waterfalls that are included into the center geometry of the map. They usually just are aesthetics in the background. As for the wall, I don't think you should "tear down this wall". You have to keep L.O.S. in mind. If the staircases can see each other then you might have a problem. Overall this is an excellent first map. Keep up the good work.
First map? yeah, right. You dudes better get your MLG on. Nice reagan reference BTW(?) I think you should have kept the ledge you had in blue mag, where there was a space between the platform XLs, filled in with ramps. The brace large you have to cover up the hole in the bottom now looks 0/5, noob. You could even make the ledge impossible to actually walk on, but keep the space in the middle rather than in the bottom. It looks bad otherwise. Also, I will just never bother getting used to the name "Cataract", as I have already spent two months trying to make the name Callum side stay in my head for longer than two minutes. Change it back, noob. I should probably join the conservatist party. The New Zealandish forefathers would have been mad. <3 You should also credit me for making the waterfall not look like crap because of those stupid pools you had on the sides. I talked 703 into removing them, and he was really against the idea for a pretty long time.
Thanks, but on a side note I should probably let you know that this is not any of our first map =). @ Hulter. The brace large continues from the window, it uses much less pieces and it looks cleaner which is why we changed it. The name is staying, I'm not going back to that... ..and you still get no credit. Noob . @ corrupted core. Thanks for the idea, we originally had a custom power up but it usually ended up getting burnt and a red OS has a stupidly long invincible time on it so that was a no go as well. However some plasma grenades might fit nicely. @Rorak. Why you move? @Rho Fs. Thanks I know seven especially has put a lot of time into this, it's good to finally release it.
Us MLG'ers don't deserve any attention that's why. Maybe if we posted all the good maps from MLG over here people would realize that there are other forgers out there, good ones too, that understand how forge works on a much greater scale.
Why on earth does Forge hub even have a MLG section? First of all it is pretty much dead, and secondly any map that fits into MLG also fits into competitive.
The map is really nice, but there is little cover at each levels and it needs more weapons. Overall the map is great and i like the waterfall!
In what quantity have you added weapons, and of what sort, noob? I still think you should make it less like Commons Obvious rip-off.
Your complaints have been answered. ForgeHub finally removed the MLG section and moved all the MLG maps into the competitive section, allowing more "mainstream" success for MLG maps on ForgeHub. By the way, congratulations on finally getting Oasis into matchmaking, Waldo. It was unfortunate that maps like Element and Android had to be removed because of this, but you deserved it either way. Actually, I was even a little disappointed that they removed Redemption from the circuit. The map grew on me. However, I heard there was a map very much like Redemption being considered for the circuit. If you've heard of it, send me the link to the map. This is one of the better MLG maps I've played, but I don't think it's quite good enough to get into MM. It works surprisingly well for 2v2 and even 1v1, but it's clear that 4v4 was the intention. Love the map and this is going to be staying in my HDD for a long time. And I renamed it to Callum Side for the same reason Hulter mentioned. Don't give it one confusing name for a long time then change it up just before release. If anything, make it a very simple, easy to remember name.
Yeah I noticed that a couple of days back when I was hopping on to see if anyone had replied to Fired Up to notice the section was gone . I think it is a step forward for Forge Hub. Yeah, I'm sure some will miss the likes of Android, Redemption and Element. However at least two of these maps did not have much support from the community and I'm sure that didn't help their stay. As for the other maybe MLG wanted to clear some space for maps that would play different gametypes than TS/CTF. The map you were talking about is complex by Salot. It is basically redemption crossed with onslaught as this is what the pros wanted according to Salot. Link: : Halo Reach : File Details I agree, I don't think this map will ever get into MLG, however I am still very happy with how it turned out and I still find it a blast to play. As for the name, I let 7 get away with it for too long and for that I am sorry =).
Yes, that was the map I was speaking of. Thanks. And just a word of advice for the future: never ask Seven oh Three to suggest a map name again.
Your pictures don't do this map justice. I really like the layout and it's built very well. Nice work. Definitely one of my favorite maps.
Looks like a really sick symetrical design, it reminds me of a unique version of nexus. I like the big bases, and the waterfall idea is really cool. I really can't think of anything to change but you should add CTF compatible for the map.