Map Pack 1: Relinquished

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Robster95, Dec 13, 2011.

  1. Robster95

    Robster95 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hi everyone this is my first post so if i do anything wrong im sorry :p these are a couple of maps that i made. The first map is 'Relinquished' i made it ages ago, its mainly made for 2-8 players so its fairly small but very fun anyway enough of that here it is....... RELINQUISHED

    This is the courtyard of the map ^^^
    This is inside the base both bases are the same ^^^
    This is the tunnel under the map u can get in it through both of the bases ^^^
    This is the middel of the Courtyard with a grenade launcher originaly was in the tunnel but it was hecktick down there ^^^
    This is the side base with one either side it has needle rifles in each one and a health pack each ^^^
    This is the overview of the whole map i know not very big thats y its only for 2- 8 players ^^^
    DOWNLOAD THIS MAP HERE: : Halo Reach : File Details

    The second map i have is a map called 'Annihilation', i made it and it sort of reminded me of a com training station so thats what i based it on its mainly made for 2-16 Players purley because its a pretty big map and theres a load of vehicle fun so that is...... ANNIHILATION

    This is a breif over view of the map (as much as i could fit in) ^^^
    This is one of the bases ^^^
    This is the ledge on one of the bases ^^^
    This is the middle section of the map ^^^
    This is part of the middle section with a Plasma Launcher in it ^^^
    This the other side of the wall which you access through the cave an the other entrance for the other base ^^^
    Theres a Platform either side with a barricade each ^^^
    This is a closer look at the Middle Outer section, it has a Turret to keep people away from the plasma launcher ^^^
    This is the other base which is set out the same as the other base ^^^

    Download here: : Halo Reach : File Details

    Thank you for looking and please download and comment
    #1 Robster95, Dec 13, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2011
  2. CosmicJosh

    CosmicJosh Forerunner

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    Waaaay to much potential z-fighting going on there. I like the design of the first map, it kinda reminded me of guardian from Halo 3. But the other map just seemed like Hemmorage with a few extra things here and there. I didn't see anything from the second map at all that made me want to download it...

    Also, you might want to go back over your post and fix the words right above the first pic. I could hardly understand what you were trying to say there.
  3. Robster95

    Robster95 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    okay thank you for your comment i have changed the infomation at the top and the second map i did make it off of Hemmorage because it was realy my first proper map so i wanted to go safe. thanks anyway
  4. SYLUX

    SYLUX Forerunner

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    i dont like the idea of limit the area with coliseum walls. and may need more presentation your maps but the tunel of the first one was great
  5. Robster95

    Robster95 Forerunner
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    okay thank you for your feed back will you download and tryout the first map??
    and i know i dont think the second map is my best still fun though
  6. Southern

    Southern Forerunner

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    I would try the first map, but my LIVE just expired, like an hour ago. Anyway, there are a few parts that will zfight, probably because of the coli walls, try to fix that. Also, on the second map, fix it. I'm guessing you blocked off the middle because of the Falcons, but the Scorpions will counter them, and you could put overhead cover in the area. Also, it looks too much like Hemorrhage. Change the bases, make it more original.
  7. Robster95

    Robster95 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    okay thanks and yeah i might get rid of the side part of the second one and just change the main bases and add more around for cover and stuff but thanks
  8. bullet2thehead9

    bullet2thehead9 Forerunner
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    First one is very nice like the stairs and the tunnel I like how the tin cups in the tunnel look like dripping water(even if you didn't notice).The second map though looks to much like hemmorage I really don't like the idea of having the giant thing made out of coliseum walls because falcons could go in there if the top isn't covered and I also see a big spot for camping in the plasma launcher spawn so I would fix that up. Nice try though.
  9. Robster95

    Robster95 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    thanks please can you try out the first map to see if i need any improvements i have had testers but u guys might find sommin ive only had a chance to get oe custom game in on that map thanks

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