the Epic HaloLedgend Map Pack

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by neverendinghalo, Dec 12, 2011.

  1. neverendinghalo

    neverendinghalo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    why hello there it has been a while...
    SinlessLedgend and I are here to show you something...
    im not gonna talk much but thanks to Sinless...
    we can have a nice little description and pics so here you go
    Sapphire is my first asymmetrical map that isn't something that you can find in a five year old's file share.
    The whole map has been colored blue to live up to it's name.

    It houses a total of five power weapons:
    a sniper, a camo powerup, a grenade launcher, an evade, and a drop shield.
    And yes they are balanced.
    Enough talk, on to the pics.

    [​IMG]This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1024x576 and weights 65KB.[​IMG]
    Here is where the blue spawn, a nice hallway with a camo powerup

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    Here is the base that the red team spawns in, it houses a lovely grenade launcher.

    [​IMG]This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1024x576 and weights 65KB.[​IMG]
    This is where the evade spawns, next to the red base.

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    And here we have a drop shield, good for the taking, located next to the blue spawn.

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    Here is the bridge that connects the two halves of the higher grounds.

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    This here is a teleporter that magically beams you near the sniper, useful indeed.

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    But wait, you wanna know where the teleporter receiver node is? Well, here it is.

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    Oh look, that's what you've been waiting for, a sniper, 0 clips, don't be dissapointed.

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    A nice lovely pond with rocks, and no there are no fishes in there.

    A weapon list you say? you got it.
    1x Sniper
    1x Camo Powerup
    1x Grenade Launcher
    1x Evade
    1x Dropshield
    1x Frag
    1x Plasma
    2x Health Packs
    1x Magnum
    1x Needler
    Some Dmr's, needle rifles and shiz

    Special Thanks to:
    X2Sora - helped me with aesthetics
    BurningWater1 - helped me with design
    Neverendinghalo - helped with some flaws and suggesting some improvements

    Compatible Gametypes: Slayer, what'd ya expect?

    And thanks to all you testers out there.
    This has been Sinless, Peace Out.

    Mineral (FHF) l Sediment (Coming Soon) l Seismic (Coming Soon)

    Salvation l Cyan l Sapphire (Coming Soon) l CQC Arena l Volatile (Coming Soon)

    Bad Ass Bear Agrees"

    well thank you Sinless for that and now its time to show off mai map for this its name being...
    this is the loadout camera for blue team spawn
    blue CTF spawn
    blue artifact glass
    red team spawn
    red snipe spawn
    overview of mid
    red CTF spawn with tele (also at blue )
    red artifact glass

    this map is a Catty Corner symetrical map that plays very good with dmrs and is only for 3v3. thanks to all of you that came to check this out and help test.
    thank you for coming to check out this mini map pack from me and sinless. the link up top with the players and stuff leads to my link but if you want Sinless's map the link is below: : Halo Reach : File Details
    Thanks and see you next time!
  2. ryana1998

    ryana1998 Forerunner

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    I remember testing Azual...that was finally put this up finally
  3. Yobo

    Yobo Forerunner

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    Lol, you mispelled Legend. Anyway, nice looking post, couldn't have done it better myself.

    SPL4TTERMAN Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The word 'Epic' is very heavily overused, so theres that and the fact that you misspelled 'Legend'. The maps themselves don't look to bad, I like your use of rocks and decorative elements.
  5. wpcubs

    wpcubs Forerunner

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    I really like how you incorporated water into both of your maps. Water gives maps a nice, clean visual appealing feature. Also, I like the simple aesthetics into both of your maps as well. The pole teleporter really caught my eye because it was very unique. The constructive critism I can give is to make sure your budget is okay to avoid screen lag.
  6. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm liking the looks of sapphire- Some of the aesthetics look quite nice.

    I've played Azul quite a few times and the spawning was a bit off, but I hope you got rid of the spawn point gathering in the middle. The middle was quite open and didn't let players move around the map safely without crossing through the open ares. Other than that, I found there to be no FRL and the aesthetics were nice. I suggest, when you build a map like Azul next time, you get another controller and test split screen lag. I don't know if there will be any, but it's always worth a shot.

    Great work, guys.
  7. neverendinghalo

    neverendinghalo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    @eightball thank you and if you go above I think 4v4 you might start to get some FRL
    @wpcubs which map are you talking about?
    @splatterman I will fix those errors but which map are you talking about?
    @sinless I will fix that.
    @deadly god it was fun
  8. SYLUX

    SYLUX Forerunner

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    why the name you put in your post alredi apear and mine put what te machine wants ??
  9. bullet2thehead9

    bullet2thehead9 Forerunner
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    I like the first map very nice aesthetics don't understand the cone thing(just for laughs I am guessing) I do see on problem in this map and it is in the 3rd pic the brigde seems to be a little high but besides that these are really nice maps.
  10. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    I enjoyed play testing Azul multiple times, I guess the teleporter was confusing at first, but if you play the map often, you get used to it, otherwise cool map on that one. The first map in your "Legend" Map Pack I really like this picture.
    [​IMG] I don't think I have ever seen that done, by extending the edge like that with some water for aesthetics, I really like that.
  11. Noooooch

    Noooooch Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I've played Azul several times over the past month or so, a few Slayer and CTF games here and there.

    A few issues I remember having were spawning and falling off the map.

    If I remember correctly, during a CTF game we spawned dynamically around the map, easily pulling flags or stopping the flag carrier simply because we didn't spawn on our half of the map. Not sure if you fixed this yet but you should, at least for CTF, Assault and other Gametypes. Slayer's fine for dynamic spawning though.

    I've also fallen off the map a few times, no big deal but I remember others doing the same as well. You might want to consider a few changes to prevent that.

    Also, I downloaded Azul and am currently looking at it in Forge. You don't have any respawn zones at all, you need respawn zones for certain objective gametypes to establish a form of map control. Also, looking at your budget and object count, Azul will probably screen lag often, though I don't remember much frame rate loss during the game. It'd definitely play better if lowered your object count, especially if you want to support 2 player split screen.
  12. Yobo

    Yobo Forerunner

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    Thanks everyone for your wonderful opinions and advices.
    #12 Yobo, Dec 13, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2012
  13. neverendinghalo

    neverendinghalo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    well i decided with azul it would just be easier to just get this released, but if you play like 8v8 on this you are not gonna be happy with all the lag but next time i make a map i will see what i can do with the split screen stuff but i highly recomend playing this 3v3 with dmr starts, you wont see any screen lag. and i figured that spawn zones just make the spawning for me just more messed up, because i really am not good with spawns at all.

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