I recently found that you can use destructible objects (pallets, fusion coils, grav lifts, etc) as switches. Basically, you set one fusion coil as {respawn on 180 secs, no to spawn at start}, and the other one as {respawn on 180 secs, yes to spawn on start}. Then you make the minimum one less than the maximum. That way, you can shoot the fusion coil, and another one will pop out. So now, with that lesson, I tried making a Warthog dispenser. Basically, I made a weapon holder/grav lift combo pin a warthog into a floating wall. Then, when I destroy a nearby fusion coil, another one drops in its place. It works neatly, and functions great. So, just thought I'd drop that one in.
its a great idea. actually i am trying to find a way to make like a booby trap. i need an open crate typething though. i wish fence boxes werent stationary. any ideas. :-\
Wouldn't the second one just appear afe 180 seconds? Do you mean decrease the maximum? If so, this is a great idea that I want to use now...
You create two fusion coils. One set to 'Spawn at Game Start' and one set to not spawn at game start. Then, you make the runtime minimum one under the amount of objects you have in the map. For example, there are 2 fusion coils so I would simply put the runtime minimum to 1. Now, lets review what runtime minimum does. If the number of objects present on the map is lower than the runtime minimum, then the system will continually respawn said object until the number is equal or greater than the runtime minimum. Since you set one fusion coil to not spawn at the start of the time, there is only one fusion coil present on the map. When you destroy the other one, there are now 0 fusion coils on the map. The runtime minimum is set at 1, so therefore the system will respawn a fusion coil. And there is a chance that the fusion coil you set to NOT spawn at start, will spawn. And by spawning that specific fusion coil, it is possible to have various actions take place by using the fusion coil in an intelligent manner. Thus making a switch. You destroy a fusion coil that is accessable to you, to spawn a fusion coil in some other part of the map, which grants you access to whatever you couldn't access before.
The problem is that the one you set not to place at start would appear anyway after 180 seconds. If the runtime maximum were decreased to 1 under the total also, it should work.
SligStorm used this idea in on of his maps. basically he recreated a scarab with a grav lift emulating the power core. When that is destroyed, another one spawns underneath and creates a bunch of explosions. Check out the video for it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSIxd-NiYDI
Lol, if I made a Scarab, it would look like that. That thing is nothing compared to Coolant's Scarab. The wreckage at the end of the video was a very nice touch.
yeah the only kicker is that you only get one of each object type... so you can't have fusion coils for any thing but that...
Nemihara I have noticed you have been making some really helpful posts. These are the kind of new members I like... A lot! Keep up the good work. -Donuts
well i mean to me that would be fine becuz with this i cud use it to cause let's say when a person destroys a fucion coil and thinks nuthin of it, it cu=ould in the end adversely affect the team from proceeding so i mean with this you cud set a love array of booby traps for those reckless teammates... ::evil laugh:: but yeh i does kinda suck that u hav to sacrifice them becuz they become selective...oh well you hav to give up sum thin sumtyme to get what wat you want...but thanx for that i'll be sure to keep that in mind
Well, eventually it has to spawn in 180 seconds. Also, you can't decrease the maximum spawned. That would be useful, though. One of the main applications I use with this setup is 'cometing'. (I like making up my own terms.) You put an unspawned fusion coil in the air. Then you make a switch fusion coil. When you blow up this one, it will, like Shadow_Player pointed out, make a booby trap. You can also put a bunch of fusion coils below it, to emulate a bomb. I could picture a game where you can turn on a nuke, and you have to get inside the bunker before someone detonates it.
That's a kickass idea for an objective game of a sort. I wonder if you could find a way to tie it to a gametype such that setting the bomb off actually scored in some manner, or enabled scoring.
I could do this for an MM map called Foundation. Elites have to go up the hill, and make the spartans think they are allies, then the elites have to smash a computer, causing fusion coil cranes to malfunction, and cause the fusion coils to be dropped down into the base the cranes as the first episode of a Machinima. Sorry, I meant to type allies, and the fusion crates thing can just be editted pieces of the machinima.