ZEN This is my new map, a traditional japanese house. Enjoy ! Et une dernière pièce au fond en 2 parties reliées par un couloir. Good part !
This is a very nice map but I was just wondering where the teleporter leads to and if it leads to the well then there really no point in the teleporter being there so if I were you I would hid the teleporter somewhere hidden lik the coliseum or behind the pillar.
It looks good, it's cleanly forged, but two things. 1: Where does the teleporter go to? 2: Get rid of all those capture plates, all they do is inhibit gameplay.
I disagree, it doesn't look clean, I really like your jap- style houses, I wanted to recreate that for a while now just didn't know the pieces to use. You should remake this map, for a quick style 1v1 or 2v2 or free for all. What you could do is have 4 houses in a compass position, then have a battleground in the center. I just feel you could of done better.
Hey you're going in the right direction but this feels more like an aesthetic map. There is enough cover, and don't get me wrong the aesthetics are great but people can pass right through capture plates, so I recommend replacing those in the well and the wall of the main structure. I would remove the furniture aesthetic features such as the chairs, bed, tables, and the windows leaning up against the wall. Put more emphasis on game play and remember less is more as far as aesthetics go and this map can realize it's potential
when i played this with you, i got definite framerate loss looking up into the roof of the water well. It's good for looks, but it definitely lags.